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Fathers custody rights in colorado

Started by sidney1234, Jun 05, 2006, 08:27:48 PM

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My name is Sid,

I have an issue I would like some help with, as many lawyers I have called tell me to consult my divorce papers which i will be receiving in a few days and that I can do this alone.

My ex has used conniving and lies to gain sole custody of our two children.  She had let me see them a few hours on the weekend, despite what the divorce papers i do have, say ( I should have them all weekend without supervision, but she insists on being here with us).  
She is trying to control my life by my children and when I supply her with monetary gains besides the child support and maintenance I was ordered to pay after only one year of marriage, (now rescinded). she will let me see my children.  Recently after having twins from another non marital relationship, she had not let me see my children til this weekend (6/2/06) for two months from the day she had these children.  She has defamed me, calling me an alcoholic and irresponsible parent, tho I rarely drink and provide her and the children with way above what I am required to do (as well as my fiancee and others).

I am seeking full custody of my children, due to the fact that she has lived with 2 different men within a year and 1/2 and at least 6 different homes, which others who are not my friends or are lying can corroborate...She is filthy, I nor others have ever walked into her home to find it anything but nasty.  She has been evicted twice in this last year alone as well as kicked out of a hotel she was living in with this man due to filth.
She keeps making up stories for why these things happen to her, but I have the papers.

She has even accused me of domestic violence for tossing her my daughters coat, while walking into my home unannounced (trespassing according to the police report) and supposedly breaking her hair clip while doing this.  I have some witnesses, but she is such a good liar, that I am not sure how to pursue this.  I do have neighbors that know us and how we keep to ourselves and take care of my fiancees child properly, but not sure how to go about it.

Any assistance anyone could offer would be greatly appreciated!
