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After school pick-up

Started by FL Step Mom, Aug 30, 2006, 09:50:22 AM

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FL Step Mom

A little background:

In November last year the BM told BF that he could have the kids.  We took them, got them in school, got grades and such back in order.

Set the paperwork to say that BF gets children during the school year, with BM getting them every other weekend.  This is reversed during the summer.

Just since school started (3 weeks) BM started by asking if she could pick up kids from school one day.  Then it became once a week, now she wants them back perminately.  I realize it was insane for BF to let it begin at all, but he is a compromising sort.

My question:

What happens if we take her name off the pick-up lists at the school?  She has no reason to pick them up from school because it is not her parental time until the weekend or summer.   She is to pick them up from our house Friday evenings on her weekend, and we pick them back up from her on Sunday evenings.

She has hijacked the whole school thing, picking them up before us, then refusing to return them.  I realize we could get her on contempt, but that would create a more stressful situation for the kids.  Once we remove her name, if she tries to keep them again, we will be filing contempt.  But right now our concern is getting them back in our house.

Any ideas or comments are greatly appreciated.

FL Step Mom


to the police if she hasn't returned them and have them escort you to her house to get the children.  If you don't want to do that I suggest having your attorney get on the phone immediately with hers and get them back.

As for school, I would bring the court order to the school and show that BF has custody.  Set it up that the children CANNOT be released to someone other than BF or you unless you notify in advance.  If they give you a problem tell them she is technically kidnapping them when she picks them up without your permission and they are aiding her in doing this if they do not follow this.  

I would also send her a certified letter stating that she is in violation and better stop or else you will file in court or with the police for kidnapping.


Take your court orders up to the school and give them a copy. Tell them she can go a visit the classroom and help out but she can not sign them out. Your husband can legally do this. Keep her listed on the all forms as the mother and without making a big scene explain to the school (Principal) that you want the mother involved as much as possible but she can not leave the school grounds with them. You are not the first one to do this. We have a list at our school of which children can go with which parent.
Good luck!

FL Step Mom

Hi, this is the BF.

I was told by several law enforcement agencies that I cannot get a police escort without having filed a contempt charge against her first.  Also we divorced without attornies. I have told the BM that if she had a problem with what we had agreed upon already she could take me back to court. I feel that I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place. I want to show my children what kind of life they would be living with the BM, but don't really want them to experience it first hand.