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Evaluation: Bipolar BM & Violent Sex Offender Fiance

Started by janwroten, Aug 31, 2006, 05:45:21 AM

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   BM is bipolar, has attempted suicide numerous times, her finance is a registered, violent juvenile sex offender (victim was 7) whom SHE is convinced is innocent (his trial was coming up so he pleaded guilty to child molestation, aggravated oral sexual battery of a juvenile, & they dropped the pornography of a juvenile).  
   She met him at a second hand shop, he mowed her grass and moved in a week later.  She has been living with this monster for a year and a half with my husband's son before we found out on July 1.  J was 7 (any ahas??) when she let this animal move in----KNOWING HE WAS A CONVICTED CHILD MOLESTER! AND SHE HAD THE NERVE to tell the judge---the SAME judge who passed sentence on him---that he was INNOCENT!!!  The judge told her William would have to move out-so he "rented" a trailer from his friend.  It barely survived Katrina, is not livable, and has no electricity. Did they CHECK to see if he moved? NO. Did they ask to see proof? NO. Nice to know that LA REALLY makes sure our kids are safe, huh?
    She has jumped from man to man, never staying more than a couple of months.  Any guesses WHY the monster stuck around this nutjob for so long?? It just COULDN'T be because that nutjob had a tender, juicy little boy, now could it??

    J will tell you that Mommy has "Lots of friends" and he has a lot of stepdaddys.  The man she was fooling around with while married to my husband beat J on the head with his fist (documented by therapist), and then BM locked him in the bathroom.  J was 4. An Evaluation was ordered then, but BMs attorney said it would have been "too intrusive" so he never bothered setting up the appointments.  That was in 2001.
    Evaluations were ordered AGAIN and GET THIS---for $3900.00 he's going to do ALL of us in ONE DAY--BM & my husband get one hour TOGETHER-it'll be a miracle if my husband gets 3 words in edgewise,
*I get 1/2 hr,
*the monster gets 1/2 hr,
*my in-laws get one hour together, and
*J gets one hour  
***and we're supposed to split the bill for the ex and her monster.
    J absolutely wants NOTHING to do with BM because the 1st supervised visitation began with BM honking her horn from a block away all the way up to the driveway, getting out of the car screaming insults and threats at me & J's grandparents, causing J to start crying within the first minute. And because of her verbal abuse during telephone visitations.
    BMs lawyer filed a motion for incidental custody, stating that in one of the telephone visitations, J told BM that we showed him all the court papers, we called her and Mr. William names, in her lawyer's words, we were "psychologically & emotionally abusive, causing irreparable damage"
     She failed to mention the fact that her client actually DESCRIBED my daughter's murder to J, and berated my husband and me so badly, I wanted to crawl through the telephone and throttle her.

   Little did she know, I had made a transcript of the conversations, with irrefutable PROOF (tapes) that she was lying, but of course, her lawyer filed a motion to strike them-too late-- the cat was out of the bag.  The judge knows she's a liar.


HOW can a competent evaluation be done in 1 hour?
WHY should an evaluation even be done--it's obvious she doesn't care what she brings to live with her child.  SHE is convinced the monster is innocent, so it stands to reason J could be molested in front of her face, and she wouldn't believe it.  The "grooming" had started within the first 2wks-with toys and money. 3/4 of the telephone tapes are her defending her monster and trying to convince J  "You KNOW Mr. William NEVER did ANYTHING to hurt you, DID HE?  Wasn't he ALWAYS NICE to you?  He's innocent.  Your DADDY LIED when he said that Mr. William was a child molester."  Over and over.

WHEN a 9yo boy refuses to have visitation with his mother, WHAT does that tell you?  In his words, "I'm sick of doing something one day, and it's OK, and the next day, I do the very same thing and get a whipping for it" And, "I'm tired of being yelled at all the time"  and the BIGGIE, "Mom says she perfectly fine-she doesn't need all this medicine.  It's all Dad's fault she's this way--Dad is her problem"

and WHO, in their right mind is going to give custody to a bipolar, emotionally abusive, violent juvenile sex offender lover????