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scared father needs your HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Started by jcgorman, Oct 17, 2006, 07:41:52 PM

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let me start at the beginning , i had a child to a married woman she was lying to me from the start , saying she wasnt with her husband anymore but when my daughter was born her husband signed the birth certifiacte because she told him he was the father she told me she would put me down as my daughter ciara's father on the papers but she didnt , i was always in my daughters life from the start i watched her everyday for the first year of her life then i would see her every day when i would stop at her grams house, then i got engaged an she wents crazy she went an took me for child support so i had a dna test done to be sure an yes she was my child i gladly pay child support only wishing my daughter got the money instead of her mother, well i have her everyother weekend an some weekends that are mine. but lately her mother is doing drugs again an she called her own son an asked him to quit college to come back up here an raise my daughter ciara an she would split the childsupport with him because she told him she just wants to be with her boyfriend an do her drugs an of course he said no give her to her father,but she would because of the money an she told her son she would send ciara away like she did with him ,she has two boys either of them did she not ever raise, well her son called us right away an told us everything she even tryed to paWN my daughter off her own mother but her mother said no she belongs with her father , she is never at home she is always out drinking an doing drugs an leaves my daughter with her husband. well her sister called an told me the house is a mess an dirty an she is not taking good care of ciara so she an went into childrens youth services to turn in her, because pry to all this my daughter said her half brother was touching her pee bugger ab her butt i called children services then an they are looking into but how can i get my daughter to come live with me she wants she crys whne she has to go home she sayd she wants to live here . she saw her mother go after her stepdad with a knife i want her out of the life can you PLEASE PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Do you have any proof of any of this? Any witnesses that will likely testify against BM? If CPS is investigating, you should keep in contact with them and ask them if there is anything you can do to protect you girl.

Talk to a lawyer though. Get one that specializes in Family law and preferably Father's rights.

When do you see your daughter next?

Best wishes,



Since you are apparently on fairly good terms with the bm's family, why not aks them to agree to take the child, and then turn her over to you?
Ideally, maybe they could get her to sign an agreement to split child support with them.

That way bm voluntarily goes on her merry way, leaving the child behind.  You have the child with very little fight and proof that bm basically abandoned the child.

That's what I'd do anyway.


This may be the worst advice that I have ever given on these boards.

I think that you might need a gal.  Not another girl, but a gaurdian ad litem, cps will only investigate an individual event for veracity and they may never do anything.  

If you get a G.A.L. I would certainly have your own attorney first.  Actually, I would consult your attorney first before requesting a GAL.  The GAL may be able to get certain information from her family that your attorney may not be able to acquire.  If her family knows that the GAL is the Child's attorney and NOT your attorney, they may be more willing to come forward with their information.  Key person is the son who is in college.

Once again, this may be the WORST advice that I have ever given on these boards.  Your ducks must be in a row.  The GAL can be your worst enemy.