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Parental Alienation

Started by dave32165, May 29, 2012, 09:17:11 AM

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I put together this video to help people dealing with Parental Alienation, which damages untold numbers of children. 



Very moving, thank you for posting this.

Yes, parental alienation (http://deltabravo.net/cms/search.php?q=parental+alienation&s=Search&r=0) is very real and not uncommon. I have custody of my son (now 18) and his non-custodial mother did her best for 16 years to alienate him from me every time he saw her.

It didn't work, but if she had been the one with custody? It would have been a nightmare and my son would have grown up a hateful, twisted person instead of the fine young man that he is today.
The trouble with reality is that there's no background music.


Thanks very much for your reply.  It is heartening to know that there are success stories out there.

mommy nurse

This is so touching.  This is also happening to me now.  So many restrictions from her dad.  On Halloween, he broke the CO again.  Wish me luck on my next court hearing.


I have just heard about PA in the last couple days and if fits my ex perfectly, unfortunately.  I also, think it is a major reason I left him.  He use to tell me, while I was holding my around 1 year son, that he didn't want his son to be a mama's boy.  Even though he also told me that taking care of the baby was a women's job and he would spent time with his son when "he got old enough."  My son was going through the hitting people phase as a toddlers often do and when my son went to hit him with a plastic toy shovel (it was one of the large wide ones)  he told him that "you should never daddy, hit your mother."  There was many remarks that seemed to me that he was teaching our child to be anti-female or to at least treat me like he did, with no respect.  I sometimes blame myself for losing my close relationship with my son, because my guilt of knowing he would do everything he could to keep me from my son.  I just couldn't live with him and his mother and step father and his step fathers friend anymore.  My ex would end every argument with, "If you leave, I get (our son's name)"