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The custodial Parent is being Selfish.

Started by Juanab, Jan 15, 2007, 01:55:12 PM

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I am going through a custody dispute with the mother of our child.  I have recently opened a custody case with the courts and she has been served with all the papers.  Along with those papers is a Standing Temporary Custody order.  In that order it stated that there is to be reasonable contact between all the parties and the child.  I went to try an see my daughter and she flat out refused to let me see her.  I am asking for help to see what to do or whocan I contact to compel her to abide by the orders.  Can anyone assist me?


Unfortunately, 'reasonable contact' is a nearly useless phrase. Someone has to decide what 'reasonable' is. Unless you and your ex can agree on something, the courts will have to straighten it out.

You might want to pose your question on Socrateaser to get the legal view on it. The answer will probably depend on whether your ex would consider (and honestly participate in) mediation. You might also turn it around and ask (preferably in writing) when she thinks it's convenient for you to see your child. If she responds back 'never', then you'll need to get that in front of the court. In any event, you'll want to document all the times she refuses you visitation - preferably with a witness.

Bottom line is that unless the temporary custody order is more specific than 'reasonable', you probably have a long battle. You may need to file for an emergency order to clarify visitation.