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Son loosing rights

Started by momj, Jul 24, 2007, 09:36:49 PM

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After my son was sent to prison, he found out that he had a baby son born 6 months after he went away.  The mother has given up the baby to the County for adoption.  He recently received papers from the Court for him to sign to give up his rights to the child, either    WILLINGLY, still preserving future parental rights for any future child.  If he REFUSES to give up his parental rights, the Court WILL take away his all parental rights to this child and any future children that he may have.

He has requested a telephone confernces with the Court during the hearing, but has been denied.  Any information would be helpful.  There is no money available for a lawyer.  Unfortunately, we are NOT in the position to adopt our own grandson.



>After my son was sent to prison, he found out that he had a
>baby son born 6 months after he went away.  The mother has
>given up the baby to the County for adoption.  He recently
>received papers from the Court for him to sign to give up his
>rights to the child, either    WILLINGLY, still preserving
>future parental rights for any future child.  If he REFUSES to
>give up his parental rights, the Court WILL take away his all
>parental rights to this child and any future children that he
>may have.
>He has requested a telephone confernces with the Court during
>the hearing, but has been denied.  Any information would be
>helpful.  There is no money available for a lawyer.
>Unfortunately, we are NOT in the position to adopt our own

Just who sent the letter?  Because I just don't see a court saying anything about losing rights to future children should he not sign the adoption papers.  


>After my son was sent to prison, he found out that he had a
>baby son born 6 months after he went away.  The mother has
>given up the baby to the County for adoption.  He recently
>received papers from the Court for him to sign to give up his
>rights to the child, either    WILLINGLY, still preserving
>future parental rights for any future child.  If he REFUSES to
>give up his parental rights, the Court WILL take away his all
>parental rights to this child and any future children that he
>may have.
>He has requested a telephone confernces with the Court during
>the hearing, but has been denied.  Any information would be
>helpful.  There is no money available for a lawyer.
>Unfortunately, we are NOT in the position to adopt our own

Unfortunately, he really needs an attorney. See if anyone will take it pro bono (free).

I have never heard of a court threatening to take away parental rights for future children. That sounds just plain bogus.


This is happening in St. Louis County, Minnesota.
Both my son & I have spoke with the County Social worker, and she explained to both of us as to the options the Court is offering him.



Here are grounds for termination in Minnesota. It could be his are being terminated due to the crime he committed. Don't know about future kids.

Are theere any other family members who could adopt?


I am in MN.  Your son can get a free lawyer through the county.  He needs to talk to a public defender to get one appointed for him to represent him in this case....or just request to be at the hearing..also a violation if they deny the right for him to be at his own child's custody hearing.

They are threatening future children?  Pffft...not possible.  They are trying to scare you into signing and totally illegal.  My crack head SIL had one child taken away from her and they couldn't touch the kid she had while in treatment, because there was no signs of abuse, neglect or drug use so there was nothing they could do.

They are bluffing...what if he got out and got married and had another child, CPS is not going to come knocking on his door to remove his future children.  That is total violation of your civil rights.  You can have as many babies as you wish..  if they could do whatever they wanted they wouldn't be requesting him to "sign" his rights over...get it.

I am no where near St. Louis Cty, but I can help research and get you going in the right direction if you need help.  Been through a removal of a child with my In laws.  However the mother did not wish to give up the child for adoption.

Can't anyone else adopt him?  It would be fairly easy, the county would rather place the child with family than with foster parents.


In this circumstance (parental rights), the court has an obligation to provide him with an attorney.  Notify them immediately.  I would not sign anything or talk too much to anyone, maybe listen, but not talk to them until I had spoke with a lawyer.

My neighbor had left his son in the care of his parents.  I have known him for five years and only found out last year that he had this son.  His parents could no longer care for child and needed to put him in the system.  My neighbor was appointed an attorney and he did choose to give up his rights as his child is mentally handicapped and my neighbor would not be a good father to him...