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Child Flying Unaccompanied

Started by SunnyGirl, Mar 09, 2005, 04:24:26 PM

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Thank you so much. I agree completely that this is solely out of control and to be vindictive. The BM refuses for the child to fly alone but fails to mention (to us) that the child walks home from school alone and is unattended for 2 hours each evening before his stepfather returns from work.

How safe is that? But, again, it is the mother's control and in her eyes, she does no wrong.

We are waiting for a confirmation from BM in writing, stating that she refuses to allow the child to fly UM. In that case, we will then petition the court.

Again, thank you!


It's not gonna be in a state's code.

You say "You" are relocating....that's a "strike" against you.

Is it "voluntary" or does it come with the job (like the military is gonna move you like it or not.)  That will either give you leverage in your favor or not.

You're already aware of the heart of the issue -- vindictiveness and control -- when the EX is saying she doesn't WANT the child to fly.

Question:  has the child flown at all???

If not, then maybe it is a good idea to physically accompany the child (even at the age you're talking about) for the first round trip.

After that, I too would ask the courts to order that the child be allowed to fly in accordance with FAA rules and regulations.

We have three divorces, and at one point 6 kids who fly/flew all over the place.....  Our biggest problem has been getting an EX to cooperate by taking the child to the airport.  When there's a will to not send the child and cooperate, we've had two twist the order around and say "I'm not responsible for this and that....."  (and two that are/were in trouble with the court.).

Then when they refused, it was only after the fact that you/we could file  contempt and by then Christmas came and went.....get the idea?

Get everything spelled out.....

PM Me if you want details of our challenges (translation headaches).


We are in florida, and have 8 hours driving time between my DH and his son.  Our countys shared parenting agreement was referenced when this issue came up (SS isnt old enough yet, but it came up as a "what if inthe future" issue).

Our judge ruled that when the child is able to fly unaccompanied, than he may.  If a parent CHOOSES to fly with him, that parent pays their own flight, but they will split the cost of the childs flight plus the fee for an unaccompanied minor child.

But, again, that was based off of our cuontys shared parenting agreement.

What county are you in?  I can only tell you what Okaloosa and Escambia countys SPA says.  However, call your county courthouse, family law division, and ask for a copy of the Shared Parenting Agreement utilized in your county.  If its not specified, then I would at least try getting a consult with an attorney and find out what the various judges tend to rule on that.
