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Started by coolncrazy714, Apr 02, 2005, 05:20:47 AM

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I was married in august of 98 and in June of 99 my daughter was born. I was working full time and supporting both my wife and daughter, I loved my daughter very much and then in November of 99 I was in a very bad "car wreck" and not expected to live but I did. My wife was bringing my daughter to visit me when it was convenient for her.After my parents brought me home to care for me in May of 2001 all visitation was stopped and my wife filed for divorce in June of 2001. I was awarded supervised visitation in the beginning, only getting 2 hours a week, as time went on at some point cps got involved and was going to remove my daughter from her mother so her maternal grandmother took custody and after they lied to the courts about my where abouts I finally did get the papers and my mother appeared at the hearing. The grandmother was given custody and I was found to be unsuitable to take care of her even though my parents can help me with her. I only get 8 hours every other week now at the home of my parents, I get no Holidays, no summer days. That is so unfair both to me and my daughter. I have not done anything wrong except to become disabled, my parents or I was not even allowed to take the stand and testify. I desperately need help because the courts has failed.



A disabled veteran. Going thru something very similar...

Learn your rights...


"Children learn what they live"