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Father refusing to allow summer visitation

Started by rosanna, May 22, 2008, 01:43:36 PM

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My kids live in a different state than me with their father and his new family. Every year I have flown them out for summer visits and every other Christmas. They want to come live with me but we need to wait until next summer when my daughter will be of the age she can request where she wants to live.

My ex will not allow the kids to come this summer. I have sent him a certified letter as well as e-mails. I also finally got him on the phone today and he refuses to let them come. I have spoken with several attorneys in his state and they are telling me the only way to enforce visitation rights is to pay between $2500-$5000 to file a contempt hearing which will take at least 30 days to hear if they can get it expedited. My children return to school the first week of August so time is ticking.

I cant afford to write a check for $5000 right now and am absolutely disgusted that he has the right to deny our kids to see me this summer.

Do I have other options or is this just the way it has to be? My kids are upset and depressed no matter how upbeat I try to be with them on the phone.

What can I do?


See if you can download the forms yourself or if the court will send them to you (you could pay an lawyer just to file for you) and then you can get a telephone conference?
If not, as soon as he does not put them on the plane, file for contempt with costs of the airfare.

He is probably being told not to send them in fear that you will not return them. Since you have admitted this is what you want to do next year (and if he has you on tape or e-mails saying this) you may have trouble in court.


contact the local police department, and pick up your kids.  He's in violation of a court order if he doesn't let you have them, and the police deal with this all time.