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Update on my son...

Started by lucky, Jan 24, 2005, 03:47:52 PM

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He's been in the inpatient treatment program at a local facility since early December -- he'd spent the previous 45 days in the assessment program there.  The therapist is back from maternity leave so hopefully we'll start making some progress because he's getting worse there than he was.  

He has lost privs more often than had them since Christmas and been on Re-Focus twice due to violent actions during his home visits -- one on Christmas Eve (right after my dd talked to him and told him that dh -- his dad -- had not been in ds's life for the first three years of his life because he'd been in jail for child abuse against my dd -- NOT TRUE at all!  A little later, he attacked dh and we had to bring him back that night).  Two weeks later he only made it two hours on his home visit before hitting dh again and having to return early again.  

He's been doing okay in school though he has issues with his hyperactivity, etc.  We started him on a homeopathic remedy on 1/11/05 and go back to the doctor for a followup on 2/10/05 -- hopefully we'll see some progress or the doctor will change the remedy and try something else.  The staff at the facility are willing to work with us on that, however, you can tell that they are very biased to traditional medications.  

Last, we had court today for the felony of bringing a knife to school.  They wanted us to go back AGAIN next month for disposition, but we all but demanded that disposition take place today -- the county attorney wanted a disposition investigation to be done to see if the current facility is the "best" place for him.  I will hire an attorney if they try to take him out of this place!  In any case, it's currently ordered that he stay there but they'll do an investigation anyway to see if there's something better.  

Fortunately he's only 11yo so there aren't very many places for him yet, but I hope we don't get the same probation officer as my dd has because she doesn't like me and she worked very hard to get dd's placement to be a permanent one -- and she told me that she doesn't like this local facility because they have too much staff turnover and she's heard that it's not a very good program.  It's based on the Boys Town model and I've been impressed with it so far -- it's just too bad that the therapist went on maternity leave right when ds started, but that's the breaks, he was still in a safe place and they still worked on the behavior issues and safety was the main concern at that point.

Anyway, that's how things are with him.  We're hoping that he'll be out by summertime and back home where he belongs.  Keep us in your prayers that it works out, ok?

Take care,


Lead your life so you wouldn't be ashamed to sell the family parrot to the town gossip.
- Will Rogers[em]

Lead your life so you wouldn't be ashamed to sell the family parrot to the town gossip. ~  Will Rogers


Keep me updated, k?  Is he close by?



dsm - 34
DH - 37
SD - 15
LO - 9
BB - 19 months
2 Cheap Entertainment cats - Snoop & Dagger - 5 years and counting.....
dsm - 44
DH - 48
SD - 26
LO - 19
BB - 12
1 demon who provides cheap entertainment of the fluffy and furry kind.

My mantra - it's time for me to do for me and mine so we can live in the present and not fret about the past nor worry about the future.  What is, is


I will do that, dsm.  Between work, schoolwork, and regular family/life stuff I've been stretched pretty thin lately, but I'll try to keep you updated.

Fortunately, he's just across town.  We talk to him by phone at least every other day and on-site visits aren't too bad since we don't have to drive forever just to get there, I just wish he'd get his act together so we COULD have home visits, you know?


Lead your life so you wouldn't be ashamed to sell the family parrot to the town gossip.
- Will Rogers[em]

Lead your life so you wouldn't be ashamed to sell the family parrot to the town gossip. ~  Will Rogers


Well, we had the first family session today and he participated (better than I'd hoped!) quite well.  He wasn't very antsy or anything, amazingly enough.  Then he got to come home for two hours -- we started small because the last time it was for 6 hours and he only lasted 2.  It went well and we have another session next week and we'll decide then how long he'll be able to come home that day.

It was a good day. :)


Lead your life so you wouldn't be ashamed to sell the family parrot to the town gossip.
- Will Rogers[em]

Lead your life so you wouldn't be ashamed to sell the family parrot to the town gossip. ~  Will Rogers


That is great lucy, I hope it continues to go well.

Just have to take it one day at a time.

**These are my opinions, they are not legal advice**


Hi Lucky,

I don't know you or much about your situation.  I read your post and my curosity was piqued.  I am an LPN and had worked for an RTF for kids 12 to 18.  I loved the work and the kids.

I saw many, many kids really turn around.  I am glad your facility is working on thet hyperactivity issue.  Many kids are unable to improve their behavior until issues like hyperactivity are resolved.

I don't know much about homeopathic remedies for hyperactivity.  As a nurse I have training using traditional meds but am always willing to learn more and to keep my mind open to other treatments.  I would appreciate hearing more about the remedy your son is using if you would care to post it here or email me.

Hang in there.  Your son is worth the effort.  I know it can be hard and can break your heart when you bring them home for a visit and they melt down.  It is good you ae starting small!

Best wishes