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we are trying

Started by Kenny, May 13, 2004, 01:06:34 PM

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my b/f is having trouble seeing his children. he is a good father and they kick and scream when he comes to get them and there mother wont let them go. they are supposed to have the children two weeks, non-consecutive, out of the month each. she's pissed he didt call her on mothers day and now she wont relinquish the children. we called the police and they said there is nothing they can do, even though her boyfriend, who is 18 was caught drinking around the children when he went and tryed to retrieve them. we dont have alot of money and we are trying to get a place so he can look better and maybe have a chance at custody with the children. im at my witts end. she ran over his foot several weeks ago in the car b/c she was angry, with the children in the car and the police "couldn't" do anything about that either. he just wants to be a good dad, and she wants to keep him away simply because they arent together anymore. its rediculous and shes punishing the children as well as him. An older police officer accually told him"shes got you by the balls, son" thay are no help and unfortunatly we just dont ahve the money for a lawyer right now. is they any advice or help someone could give. PLEASE HELP!


you need to document everytime dad has tried to see the kids on his weekends and the denial of it, it is best to have 3rd party go with your b/f when he tries to get the kids so they can testify to the fact that he was there and what happened.


You then need to file contempt of court charges on her for the denial of visitation and request that time be made up.

I also suggest that he gets a new parenting plan, file a motion to modify parenting plan. Be specific on the weekends he gets the children, example father shall have the chidren the 1,3,4,5th weekends of the month from Friday at 6pm-Sun at 6pm. Also make sure it is specific about holidays school holidays bdays etc.

Since bm sounds crazy also make sure exchanges are to be at xx police station in the court orders.

Read tips for getting started, I am sure someone will put up the link for you.

Also check the sample parenting plans here.

In many states you can download the forms your b/f will need to complete to file contempt and change the current parenting plan to be more specific.



First Post what state you are in !!
   Second is there a court ordered parenting plan in place .
  If so . Tell Him to start bringing a witness and when she does this file contempt , It is contempt of a court order to not give up the kids IF " there is a parenting plan in place , I have found many ways to get low cost legal help , I did not have to do it ,But I was in a Mens group and many of them did . and many filed contempt on there own and won!
   Here is what I have found . With pen and paper and patience ,
    1  Go to child support and ask for there list of legal aid , Its for the mothers , But really its for any one with low income
   2 call the court and ask if they have a night that atty's come to help pro se litigants fill out papers .
   3 Call the baR  association in your state and ask for atty's that help low income people
   4 Don't give up
     I have dragged my son away screaming and crying , > I learned a trick . Bring candy and give it to them right away , they will shut up , Bring toys and puppets or what ever to distract them . BUT do not leave with out the kids ,
  5 Don't get into a fight with her in front of the kids ,She can cause a bunch of trouble at the court for you , You be the adult
   6 Go to the court and ask where you get the papers for a contempt hearing . Get the papers ,And sak aroung for a court house facilitater , File contempt every time . Then go to the court and get the recording of the hearing , And listen to it and learn and file again and again , They aren't so likely to give you an order of contempt , But Here is how My atty explians it , She has to show up to the court and say why not ,or hire an atty , Or if she doesn't show you can file a default order , In wash state, I know a man from the mens group that filed like ten times and she started not showing up , So He got like three contempts, And won custody ,If there is a parenting plan in place file contempt , If you screw it up figure out why and do it the next time . If You let her do it she will do it again!!!
7  Bring a video camera . Hold it in plain site , This site has a section on video taping , find it and read it for your state , Or just call an atty and ask , 'If 'video taping is illegal , Don;t turn the camera on Just point it at her , The psycho in My case quit her bs in front of the camera , Trust me this works well, Its hard but grab your self by the bootstraps and hold the camera pointed at her and have your boy friend say clearly . this is My pick up time , Are You refusing ? . This worked well for me ,!!! , , I called the police and they told me video taping of the outside of some ones house is legal , You just can't pass the line of privacy by filming what you could not ordinarily see from the street, The mom will continue to terrorise the kids untill She see's that You mean buiseness , , If you leave the kids because they are crying she will continue to do it ,And this should put a stop to it , The mom quit doing this In my case because I always showed , There were atty's involved and , My atty sent a letter requesting make up time for her not giving me the Kid ,Or I have requested a contempt hearing ,And I got the make up time  SOOOO , Her atty sent a letter stateing that the video taping must subside , So My atty said , I will continue to tape untill the ridicolous accusations stop and I will continue to tape the transfers ,