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Sad Day for Fathers (Supreme Court Ruling)

Started by Travis, Dec 01, 2003, 01:03:03 PM

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I would suggest buying your daughter a calling card, that way she can contact you, you can get cards from this site that only allow the person to call the number you indicate.

Let her know if she is scared or being hurts its ok to tell a teacher or call 911.

Call the poilce dept and request they do a child welfare check and make sure they have a number that you can be reached at.

Prayers to you and your family, it sucks how family law works, they don't really imo do what is in the best interest of the child.

Kitty C.

That way the ONLY numbers she can call are ones you designate, so the PBFH can't use it for her own use.......
Handle every stressful situation like a dog........if you can't play with it or eat it, pee on it and walk away.......


That is what I was trying to say.  


A couple of people have some questions(not being aware of how much fun it is to be a male custodial parent), about your situation.  Do you mind answering then?  You'll have to register, but I think that you can get something started between both these websites.



You are a great man Travis.  You did all that your children could have asked.  If all ncp's were to do what you did, the custody laws would change.  Wish me luck on my pro se appeal in Florida for joint physical custody.  I too will appeal if to Florida Supreme Court if I lose in the Fifth District.  Still haven't researched how to appeal to United States Supreme Court, but I will.

By the way, my thoughts on a move battle are to fight it, and if you lose move too.  God Bless you man, and I'm not religous.


Travis, My heart goes out to you and your daughter, and with that I second Indgo's message of takin' it to the streets.... Get a video camera, beg, borrow or buy it with a 15-30day return privelige and start recording everything you can, bring a friend to tape you and your daughter together.

Call your local tv/radio stations, newspapers, magazines...
Ask for the news director or a top editor, they'll pick up on your story before the national media will. If you know of anyone else in your area that is in a similar boat, join forces, if only in spirit.

This kind of injustice must be exposed or more will follow.