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A letter to the British Prime Minister

Started by Brent, Dec 07, 2003, 09:29:43 AM

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A letter to the British Prime Minister
By fax 0207 925 0918

The Prime Minister
10 Downing Street, London
7 December 2003

Prime Minister

I have seen you quoted in the Times as saying that domestic violence is a crime that is more common than most people think. Can you please tell me:

1. Why you consider domestic violence to be a crime and your authority for such a proposition. Can you find anyone who has ever been convicted of such a "crime"? Please note I do not condone violence in any way shape or form any more than I condone loose terminology from barristers.

2. How common do you think domestic violence is?  What is your authority?

3. How common do you believe I think domestic violence is?

4. If you accept the politically correct figure of one in four women being subject to domestic violence as this is the figure used by many government departments, police forces, and local authorities, can you please give me your opinion of the effect on the operational efficiency of police forces of the Home Secretary's intention to effectively suspend at least one quarter of all serving male police officers?

5. In your Big Conversation film clip, it is suggested that there are more police now. Is there an intention to edit or film this again if the Home Secretary gets approval for his proposed measures?

6. You offer the young girl the chance to sit down and talk with you about her views and then go on to espouse the need for choices and a future fair to all. In this matter of domestic violence 50% of the population are constantly being ignored in all consultations. When do you intend to allow men to sit and discuss the matter with you so that there is at least balance in the argument and not mere propaganda.

7. The importance of getting the issue of domestic violence sorted is quite simple. Increasingly, resident parents or their solicitors are making false allegations of domestic abuse and some even go so far as alleging sexual abuse of a child by the non resident parent in an attempt to defeat orders for contact. This is causing the breakdown in contact between child and one parent. That in turn creates problems in government by way of truancy, anti-social behaviour, low academic achievement levels, and untold psychological damage. It is interesting to note that whilst the Home Secretary's proposals create a strict criminal liability for breaching orders that are often gained ex parte and without evidence, he is not proposing similar measures for the breach of contact orders.

You have stated that it is time for grown up discussion. There are many able and well qualified men who could help you achieve gender neutral policies in this area. All it requires is a Big Conversation on your government's part and that is a conversation that includes listening as well as talking on the Government's part.

The scale of the problem is highlighted by a circular sent to a friend by the National Children's Homes. He has been a significant contributor over the years but ceased all present and future donations when he saw a picture depicting an upset child speaking the words "If  I could change one thing, I would stop Daddy hitting Mommy".

A United Kingdom? No, a divided kingdom caused in part by those who ten years ago stated that they only had women's rights at heart, but who have now cloaked themselves in some correctness by a subtle change to include support of children as a means of furthering their primary aim and gaining the Government's ear in order to receive significant funding.

Yours faithfully

John Humphries