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Motion to Show Cause

Started by cdcoffell, Jul 27, 2004, 11:28:12 AM

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Chris has to attend a Motion to Show Cause on 8/20/04 due to the fact that him and his ex were supposed to attend their 3rd parenting coordinator session on May 20th. Chris sent the parenting coordinator a certified letter a week prior to the meeting stating to her that he had no vehicle and no money. The coordinator still had to file her report and we were just wondering what is going to happen if he just explains himself to the judge. We were split up at the time and he had no $ (our bank account was -$400 at the time) - but since then, we are back together and doing much better.
Any suggestions will be greatly appriciated :)


If I'm undestanding this correctly Chris was supposed to attend a parenting coordinator session and didn't go.

Sounds like he disobeyed a direct order from the Judge.  The Judge MAY give him a second chance and may not.  His best bet is to take the paperwork where he sent the coordinator the letter and beg the mercy of the court and offer to take it now that he financially better off.

You don't just disobey a Judge's order.  Judge's look down on this even more so than contempt of the court order.  Remember Judge's put themselves ABOVE everything else and their word is LAW!