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Probably a really obvious question, but...

Started by Cookiemomma4, Jul 03, 2006, 02:55:31 PM

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I feel stupid here because we never thought that it would go like this.  What do you do when a parent just lies lies lies in an evaluation?   Do we bring it up at a trial?  Do we call that parents lawyer and call them on it?  Do we call the evaluator?  
We are confused with the whole evaluation process to begin with because we just got the report (5 days from the max time allowed for us to recieve the report from it) and there is no recommendation in it at all.  It just seems like a collection of statements.  So now, not only did it tip our hand to what we were planning on bringging to trial if it went that far because we were told that we had to bring all of our concerns to the table (not that we did though because the evaluator had some time constraints on us so we just hit the high points), but it also appears to be useless because there is no EVALUATION of the situation shown.  Then, we read through it and the other parent lied...about stupid things.  She says she has 3 brothers...she has 4 (she failed to mention the one that is an escaped convict on the run...who we can prove has contacted her BTW), she lied about doc visits (she said that they happened while we have documention that doesn't show it at all), she lied about the boyfriends criminal record (we have a PFA that was placed on him by his ex-wife that states that he has a criminal record...we are researching exactly what that is but he has one none the less).  We are dumbfounded and not sure where to turn with this or what the proper protocol is.
We were told that we would get the report and either both parties would come to an agreement based on the evaluation or it would go to trial.  There was nothing stated about truthfulness or anything really...I know that if we disagreed with the outcome we could dispute that at the time of a trial but it seems there is not an outcome to dispute which is why we are so confused...can anyone help?


Well, not being COMPLETELY honest in these evaluations is something that happens all the time.

Big issue I see is no recommendation. There should be one at the end of the report. The evaluation is not the time to present your evidence. The stuff about the Dr. appt and the BF criminal record can be presented at trial.

the brother thing is a nonissue unless he is living in the same household with the kid.

Focus on the things that matter to the court and the items you have solid proof of. Laying all your proof out in advance just gives the other side time to disprove it. No matter is the method is by lies, deceit, etc.

Is the evaluation court ordered?  Who performed the evaluation?  I'd go to soc if I were you - sounds like this is something that can be ordered to happen again with another evaluator.


The evaluation was court ordered by the custody master at the original hearing.  The county sends everything through their children and youth office, but apparently the evaluator does not work for them?  That is what she told us anyway.  
We are not so worried about little lies...but it does show a pattern of lieing and covering up the truth (which is why we see the brother as an issue, also, he is a fugitive that has made contact and we don't know if he is in the area or not.  If it isn't an issue then why deny it that he even exists?  See  how we are looking at it?)  ...and there was no fact finding done in this evaluation.  It is like the woman just took statements and we could have said the sky is purple and she would have typed it up as a fact for us...that indeed the sky around our home is purple...does that make sense?
This was a very odd evaluation.  She didn't ask for collatoral witnesses or anything.  She said that anything that we would want to cover at a trial had to be presented at the time of the evaluation.  This is why we layed everything out, but as the weeks pass on we are gathering more.  We were offering her paperwork on everything (medical records, school documentation, births, divorce, paternity, bills, pictures, certified letters, ect...if it was in our part of the evaluation we has some sort of supporting documentation).  She looked over parts of it and asked for a copy of one physical that appears to be forged or at the very least shows her primary care docs incopotince (sp?) but didn't get anything from the opposing side or look into the situation.  Opposing parties stated that she say a doc regularly while in their care and that she was not sick ect.  We have numerous documents that show differently.  Nothing from them.
My big issue is also the no recommendation...it seems like we gave a hefty chunk of money for there to be no outcome to it.  We could have typed up our own statements for free and such.   Although our other concern is that if there does come a conclusion based on this evaluation, it is not based on facts (at least not ones coming from the apposing side).
Anyway, thank you for your input.  I think I will go to Soc after his vacation.  It is just so frustrating right now!