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Child has perpetual health problems, comes to my house sick as usual.

Started by 416021va, May 30, 2006, 08:12:36 AM

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I reside in Virginia, child resides in Florida.

The allegedly has perpetual step throats and was supposedly on the strongest anti-biotic available prior to his visitation with me in the State of Virginia.

I took him to my doctor today (for the first time ever), and the doctor stated that he has ring worm, but not strep throat.

This is allegedly not the first time that he has picked up ring worm, but each and every time CP states that their dogs are clean.

CP stated that they had no idea what the mark on his arm is. (Funny how the child allegedly had ringworm before, but CP suddenly doesn't recognize that child has ringworn this time around).

Child is also in the sun all the time. CP states that they believe that dark people are more beautiful than light people so child is always in the sun.

The child is very dark and his skin is very dry. I have always worried that the child is going to have his skin wrecked and get skin cancer at some later point in time, but CP never listens, and generally elects to spite by doing the opposite.

The doctor actually brought this up on her own today, and suggested that I not allow the child to go out with sunblock.

This is not the end of the story. The child allegedly urinated blood earlier this year and then suddenly healed from that. Additionally, the child had asthma but that suddenly went away.

Conversations with the child's doctor's have generally yielded few results. The doctors are often evasive, and since the child has allegedly seen so many different doctors tend to pass the buck onto other doctors.

I have obtained the child's medical chart, and I am in the process of sending that chart to my Doctor.

I just don't know what to do anymore, since the CP deliberately does opposite as to what I suggest.

I would like custody as much as any NCP and would take it if given the chance. Not sure if this would help any?

If not, what can I do besides take care of the child when he is with me?



This is what we call borderline parenting or what I like to call pathetic parenting.  I got the same crap on our end except we have the children.  We had the ring worm, the asthma, the constant ailments, strep throats and the like...you name it.

The kids go to BM's and it is a total free for all.  You don't have to wear coats, eat healthy meals or even take showers if you don't want to there.

You will constantly be taking care of the child on your time, getting them better, just in time to send them back to get sick again...."pathetic parenting"!  It will eventually get better....in a long while.  In the mean time keep being as diligent as you have been.  Keep on those doctors, keep taking child to the appointments, get your documentation, because after enough documented medical neglect you will have enough to start a reversal of custody.  Heck we have custody and the bare minimum parenting we have on the other side will absolutely negate any chance of her ever having a "substantantial change in circumstance"....that doesn't mean she don't keep trying though.

I don't have any magical words of wisdom except keep doing what you are doing.  You are NOT "pathetic parenting".  :)


I think we have all been through the pathetic allegations of insane things.  However if the child has been through a rash of physicians, if you carry the insurance then you would have statements of who provided the services.  Contact the physicians that way.  

Now if you can take a few words on my observations here, I see you are really on top of things that you feel effect your child that the CP has done.  We have all been through the bad times and have had to feel we have to stand up for ourselves, but please do not loose site of your cvhild in your quest to find some answers, many of the things mean nothing to the court, but are paramount to us.  And from experience, the courts do nothing until someone has been harmed.  IN our case, BM admitted in court that she was a physical abuser to my husband and has been found in contempt 5 times but she staill has custody, the mental evaluator found her to be borderline personality disorder, but she still got custody.........nuff said.  Pleaes concentrate on your child, I know you have, but he is young and does not see the things that concern you as benefitting him, sometimes it is time for staying up late watching a movie and eating junk food, loing walks and most importantly eating at the dinner table and asking him how his day was and what he learned in school that day.  

SOme of my fondest rememberances of being with my father were putting pennies on the RR tracks and waiting for the train to come by and smash them then picking them up.  I still have these pennies 42 years later...............


Ever since the judge ordered week on/week off my son has been getting sick practically every week. The problem is, my ex husband has our son in a in home daycare which is my sons home on his weeks with his father(his gf has a daycare in her home) The gf only watches one other child (infant). When my son is with me I take him to a daycare facility that is reputable and is a school like setting for my son (5 years old) My ex is neurotic when it comes to our son playing with other kids and all the viruses that are floating around. I often ask him what he plans on doing when our son goes to an official school and his answer is he'll deal with it when the time comes. My ex actually brought the issue up in court last monday (I was asking the judge to hear our custody hearing instead of a referee (pretty much a rent a judge in the family courts of Michigan)). I tried explaining to my ex that this sort of thing happens when a child kept in the house all day and night one week and then goes into an enviornment with alot of kids the other week and that our sons body is constantly trying to get used to fighting off these viruses but my ex dosent get it. My question, he cant really use that in court can he? Its rediculous and the judge ignored my ex when he began to carry on about how he provides a better daycare for our son and the health issues our son has had the past month.



I deal with the borderline parenting done by the CP.  I just getmy kids well when they come to me sick.  if I think Ihave somehitng credible to report I have called CPS. I have called twice over meidcations not being given and scritps not being filled.  First time they sent a letter. This time they are investigating and have dtermined that children did not have access tot he meds they were perscribed.

My kids are older.  13 adn 17.  i am teaching them the proper way to care for thier health.  I began this when they were around 6 to 8.  it's the only hting you can do if the other parent won't parent adn the courts won't reverse custody.

Your bottom line has to e your kids welfare.  Give them the education they need and deserve.  Teah handwashing adnexplain its importance.  Teach about how meds are to be used and why they need to follow doc's orders.

Best of luck to you.