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out on my butt???

Started by Detter D, Jun 30, 2004, 01:39:50 PM

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Detter D

History...divorced in January
   Got laid off from my job in April and have been on severance

   Went to court and got a reduction in cs

   My ex treatened today about moving into the house (she moved out   of over 3 years ago and left kids with me)  Guardian recommended
joint custody, with her being custodial parent.

I am paying mortgage, which was court ordered if I remain in house.

Because of my being laid off and her not working, my ex suggested to
the judge in order to save money she wanted to move back into the
house (she left) with a paying roomate with the kids, and me move out.
Judge did not comment on this because this was a hearing just for cs reduction.

I also remarried last Saturday, so my wife and I are in the house the
court said I could be in as long as I have it up for sale....it is and I am.

1.  Can she do this?


>1.  Can she do this?

I'm not clear on when or why the GAL recommended that the other parent be made custodial. Are you currently litigating custody?

As for moving you out and her in, I'd say no, especially as you are trying to sell it. But, if the court were to award the mother custody, then it's possible that the court could also order you out.

Not nearly enough facts to analyze the situation.

Detter D

Guardian said that because the children who are in their teens and one younger wanted more time with their Mother, she got more time, but
no one received 'custody'...it was joint

We are NOT still litigating custody accept she is always threatening
that she wants full custody.

I might have called her 'custodial parent', but she has one more day a week than me.

There was so much PAS going on in those months that I had the children, that she would sway them that they needed to be with her.
She is very good at that.  The guardian said even though I did a
great job when she left, it was her feeling, that the children wanted
to have more time with their Mother.  I have legal and joint custody.
She has one more day in the week than I do...and eow

Does this help with my question


OK, on the basis of your facts, I'd say that the court is not going to displace you for any reason. The kids are already using the home.