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Attorney fees??

Started by reagantrooper, Sep 22, 2004, 05:43:39 AM

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I was "shopping" for an attorney for my pending matters. I must have spoken to 10 - 15 right from the phone book. Most listened with some interest and most advised me that it would not be cost effective. All took my name a few took my adress and said they would get back to me.

One attorney showed some interest took my name and adress and told me he would have to speak to his partner and get back to me. He called me back a few days later and had the same answer, it would not be cost effective. OK thats fine

Fast forward a few weeks and guess what I get in the mail? A bill from this guy for services rendered $80 unreal! I never agreed to pay him nor did he imply or tell me I would be billed. Fees never came up. Out of all the attorneys I spoke with none but him sent a bill.

1. How should I respond to this bill if at all?

2. Did I some how unknowingly enter into a agreement with this guy?


>>1. How should I respond to this bill if at all?

Send him a letter stating that at no time did you agree to enter into professional relationship, or otherwise agree to pay for services rendered, that you received no valuable legal advice of any kind as the result of your conversation, and that your conversation with him was for the sole purpose of determining his suitability for your legal needs.

This assumes that you don't intend to actually retain him.

>2. Did I some how unknowingly enter into a agreement with this

Maybe, but it's for him to prove, and for you to deny. Depends on how much info about yourself you provided, and whether you offered to pay. Once again, he'd have to prove it and it's your word against his.

Kitty C.

I had the same thing happen to me this past winter.  I had filed for divorce on my own, but was looking for an atty., calling one who was recommended to me.  

I only talked to him twice on the phone.....during the first conversation, he asked to see copies of what I'd already filed (I was assuming it was to determine the strength of my case and if he was interested), which I did.  The second was to let me know what he could do for me and what it would cost.  

At NO point did I agree to hire him.  And a month later I got a bill from him.  I don't even have a clue where his office is or what he looks like!

I take it I can send this guy the same type of letter?
Handle every stressful situation like a dog........if you can't play with it or eat it, pee on it and walk away.......


>I take it I can send this guy the same type of letter?
Yes, just make sure you include all of the contents that I provided. That way you are covering both a legal contract, and a quasi-contract, where he claims to have provided value, and you were unjustly enriched at his expense. I.e., you didn't agree to hire him, nor did he provide anything of value to you, as the result of your phone call.



Thanks a bunch!!!!!!!!!

The letter will be sent today. I will let you knoe the outcome.