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Subj: Guarantor of medical bills

Started by CheatedMother, Oct 29, 2004, 06:54:44 PM

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Hello Soc, I'm posting this for a friend of mine. I'd appreciate your help.

DH is and has always been CP. BM has never paid CS. Working arrangement has been DH pays expenses SD incurs here and BM pays expenses incurred at her house (excepting regularly scheduled activities that would normally occur on CP's time). All parties have resided in Maryland since the original CO.

The CO covers only that BM will not pay CS and DH will have full custody and the standard visitation schedule.
Here is the issue:

BM took child, on her time, to an urgent care facility. The majority of the bill was paid thru insurance on SD that the stepmom provides thru her job. BM(NCP) did not pay the copay at time of service. BM did not provide her personal info. BM did sign the forms. BM did put DH down as guarantor of the bill.

 Now, the hospital is billing the CP for the charges.

1. Can the urgent care facility hold DH legally responsible for the charges , since the CO never addressed medical bills?

2. What are the legalities on HER signing HIS name to these documents?Is this even a concern?

Thanks Soc, I really appreciate it


Gotta love it.

My dh's ex has State Medical, dh lost his job and did not have insurance on his kids, bm took ss's to hops and put dh down as grantor.

Took me over 4 MONTHS to have these charges thrown back to bm and the state. I had to fax over proof that dh no longer had insurance, copies of court orders etc.

In your case since it't not specified in the c/o I am sure Soc will be able to help. I would suggest it being put in the c/o so you don't have more problems in the future.

**These are my opinions, they are not legal advice**