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Refuse to read letter

Started by pickupsticks, Dec 24, 2004, 11:11:11 AM

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This is a new one  Soc. I have been corresponding via Certified Mail with letters of intent to exercise visitation. She tells me last night on the phone that she talked to her attorney and she is not going to receive any letters from me anymore and DO NOT SEND THEM and she will not be writing anything down either. Nothing in our court order speaks of verbal or written communication. Do I continue to send these letters even if she has told me that she will not be reading them or receiving them?

Also, I am taking our child on an airline  to Grandma's for the holidays. Our court order reads that neither parent nor any other party will remove the CHILD from the State without notification to the other parent . (I notified her) and each parent shall keep the other informed as to the health and location of the CHILD, including an address and phone number where the CHILD may be reached while the child is in that parent's custody.( Gave her Grandma's information)

She is DEMANDING that I send her copies of the itinerary not just the information but the actual itinerary which has price of tickets etc on it. I don't think that is any of her business. Is there a legal implication I am missing?


>She is DEMANDING that I send her copies of the itinerary not just the information but the<
>actual itinerary which has price of tickets etc on it. I don't think that is any of her business. Is<
>there a legal implication I am missing?<

Now you got her,

The best way to deal with these morons is to out smart them at their own games.

This is what I would do as far as the itinerary goes.
Make a copy of your itinerary;
White out any information you are not court ordered to provide her on that copy;
Make a copy of that copy;
Call her and leave a message stating that you are more than happy to provide her with your itinerary and have sent her a copy via certified return receipt U.S. mail.
Read the following SPARC articles: Tips On Using Certified Mail, Using Certified Mail In Court

If she wants it she can sign for it

Who wins? You do because you are in compliance with your court order and have done so in a way that establishes proof that you did, what she chooses to do is her prerogative.

I have found that communicating in a very congenial way with your ex (despite how you really feel) is favorable in court and in my case lead to more time with my child.


I'd have to read your entire custody order before I comment on any of this.


Please, do not refer to an opponent as a moron.  If you wish to provide examples of your experiences that relate, or you wish to express sympathy or empathy, or you wish to point out some link or other document or website that may help the poster answer their own question, you are welcome to do so.

However, please do not give legal advice.

Based on the above, your last sentence was quite helpful. The rest of your post may or may not be helpful, but without reading the poster's court order to establish the ground rules under which the poster must play, no one could give any useful advice, legal or otherwise.



When you send her written info, copy her attorney on them also. You won't get charged but she will by her attorney for reading your letters and advising her on their contents, recommending a response, etc. Plus you have proof of from her own attorney! We always do this with my husband's ex, works a treat. Good Luck.