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Dr. Phil

Started by kitten, Aug 21, 2004, 08:09:30 AM

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The Custody Battle show was filmed on Wed.  The good Doc caught my bf's ex in some lies and called her on them.  The audience (mostly women) cheered and clapped on a couple of occasions!  We were hoping he would see through her and expose her game, I'm sure she is feeling humiliated. He asked her directly why she feels moving the children away from their father to a small town in Alaska with a population of 840, the nearest hospital is 149 mi. away and the average temp. in January is -11 is in their best interest.  Her answer was because her fiance could provide for her to be a stay at home mom, and her impending marriage will create a stable family environment.  She's wacko, her fiance admitted to physically abusing one or more of his THREE ex-wives!  What is going to happen when he is locked in a two bedroom house in the dead of winter for 3 months with 3 small children and an ultra needy, controlling martyr?  Remember The Shining?
  Dr. Phil wants to follow up with our family, but so far has not gotten the ex's permission.  She also agreed (VERY reluctantly and only because the entire audience and Dr. Phil were staring her down) to postpone the Sept. 10th court date and attend post-marital counseling provided by the show before she makes any major decisions for the children.  She is now denying she made such agreement.  Guess what?  Both attorneys are witness and obviously it is on tape and can be proven.  We will supeana the transcripts if we can.  I'm not sure yet when the show will air, I'll keep you all posted.
  BTW...Bridget Marks was there too.  Her story is very convincing, there is more than what the media has presented.  After meeting and talking to her, I'm not sure what to believe...
If anyone has any questions, feel free to reply or send a PM.  This is obviously the short version of the story, I am just so exhausted.


May I ask what your personal opinion of Dr. Phil is?  I don't watch his show, but I've heard comments about him.

I don't see why you can't talk with Dr. Phil without the ex's permission.  He should hear both sides.  You present a very good argument as to why she shouldn't move the kids away to Alaska.  If she plans on being a stay at home mom, that means that she will be totally dependent on her fiance.  He's a 3 time loser.  At least he admitted being abusive, so maybe there is hope for him.  Yeah, I remember the Shining.  Good point.

I emailed Glenn Sacks regarding Bridget Marks a month or so ago.  I get his newsletter.  He said she was 38 yrs old.  I thought she was in her 20's.  I had seen her on Nightline, and wanted to comment on a column he had written.  I wasn't impressed with the hysterics she displayed on camera when it came time to relinquish her girls.  That's why I thought she was younger than she apparently is.  

I am grounded for now because of my youngest.  When you get more info, please pm me, because I probably will be off the computer again.  Thanks.


Glad you got on the show and were able to tell your side of the story.  It will be interesting to see what happens.  

Good luck!


He is exactly what you see on television.  He is a very genuine man, but I could tell he wanted to say some things to the bm that he could not on the show.  He has incredible self control! ;)
They want to do a follow-up show, but can't without permission from both sides.  We will continue to email the asst. producer with updates. We will find out for sure on Monday.  

Bridget seemed to me to be in her 20's also.  Glenn may have been mistaken, she could be 28?  I am definately NOT impressed with her big media production she put on in front of her girls either.  She did present some other facts that in her case that could make her story genuine.  The only people that really know if her girls were molested by their father or not are the girls and their father.  She seemed to be unprepared and caught off guard when the father was awarded custody not unlike alot of NCP Dads.  I just hope those little girls are safe and can grow into healthy women despite all of this chaos.  I also got an autograph copy of her book, maybe someday it will be worth something on ebay?  LOL!


I've heard different opinions about Dr. Phil, but the rare times I've seen him, he seemed like a caring professional who knows his business.  I hope that there can be a follow up show, or perhaps Dr. Phil can advise you privately.  Moving to Alaska is an irresponsible choice.  I hope a judge can see that.

Molestation charges are serious.  Too bad molesters don't come with a sign on their foreheads.  Beside Bridget Marks hysterics, what concerned me was the look on the stepmother's(is she technically the twins stepmother?)face on that program.  I can understand that she's been lied to, cheated on, and publicly humiliated, but can she overcome this and be good to those girls?  Was she on the show?

I think the charges of molestation angered the judge, and that is why he awarded custody to the father.  If there is truth to the allegations, it would explain her outburst.  I would keep that book and see if it's valuable :-)


I hope the judge sees that too.

The step-mom was not on the show. only Bridget.  I hope she can overcome all this and be a good step-mom too.  Bridget says originally, she saught  her own therapist because the girls were saying things, that therapist said that there was molestation. When she persued full custody, the court assigned a therapist that said there waqs no molestaion.and that is what was used in court.

Kitty C.

.......I know it CAN happen, SPG.  DS was born with an instant SM because he was the product of an affair.  And I have to tell you, I have a TREMENDOUS amount of respect for her, dealing with what she has had to.

Before DS was even born, she asked to meet with me, said her piece and got it off her chest.  Then after DS was born, she opened her home and heart to him and never looked back.  She has EVERY right to hate my guts forever, but she doesn't.  I think I may have been one of the first people she called when DS's dad died and I've been in frequent contact with her ever since.  I put her up on the same level as DS's dad, keeping her informed of what's going on and even asking her opinion on things.  And when DS graduates, I want her sitting RIGHT beside me and have her stand with me when he is handed his diploma and brings us roses.  I am SO proud to have someone of her courage and integrity in my son's life!

It can happen, SPG.  It takes a heroic effort, but it can happen.
Handle every stressful situation like a dog........if you can't play with it or eat it, pee on it and walk away.......