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Denial of Visitation

Started by hoss6595, Dec 20, 2004, 11:26:25 AM

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I am new to this forum and would greatly appreciate any suggestions. I have been seperated from spouse since 1-04. My 9 year old son has basically split his time with myself and his mother, I have him 6 day & nites every 14 days. I have been paying his mother (my wife) 450.00 support since 01-04. There is no support order. I changed  employment in October and  missed a couple of "support payments". Begining early Nov my son begain telling me that unless I paid mom her money he would not have christmas. Then beginning late Nov I have gone to pick him up on my schduled time. He is either not there or she tells me until I pay she will not permit me to take my son with me. He is deeply troubled by what his mother is telling him. I do not want to cause my son any traumatic experience so I do not remove him. I realize that I need to retain an attorney. I do not have the retainer. All attorneys I have spoke with want a large sum upfront. Finally, my question: I have a great relationship with my son and his mother is alienating us and I have not seen him for over 3 weeks. She also will not permit me to see him christm without a knockdown fight. What can I do quickly and possibly without attorney. Thanks for any help.


Are you documenting? If not, start. Can you prove the time with him before these problems began?

In regard to the support you have paid her, I hope you wrote on the payments, child support.

She is using this against you and putting your son in the middle of this,  very wrong.

Bottom line, you better get an attorney fast. You could go pro se but even an experienced person should not try this without some knowledge. Start searching in the archives here and educate yourself as much as possible.

This will get you started on how to proceed:

TGB's Newsletter ''Tips For Getting Started'' TGB's Newsletter ''Tips For Getting Started'' Articles related to this topic: Steps To Protect Yourself During Divorce Success Factors In Obtaining...
URL: http://www.deltabravo.net/news/10-19-2000.htm - size 8kb - 25 Oct 2003

Others will post more advice, I have never gone pro se and would hate to post wrong advice to you.

"Children learn what they live"


Thanks, for the reply. I can prove visitation and have written "CS" then dates on each check. I gave cash a couple of times. I have started documenting everything. I sent here a certified letter she recieved today that states my concern of her actions are negativly affecting our son. I also included case law citing Ohio Supreme court rulings and lower court ruling on parental alienation. I also included sections of Ohio revised code  that should be of interest to her. I also stated that I was going to excercise my parenting time rights begining Christmas @ 1:00pm till Jan 2- 6pm. I informed that I would assume this was acceptabel unless I recieved via US mail by Dec 24 and reasons stating why visitation is being denied. I am trying to do this transparent to my son, She called and left some very nasty messages for me. Thanks for the insight


Ohio that's my state.  I'm in Bolivar, OH / Tuscarawas Stark County area.

This site is the Best/Greatest/Supreme/Eost Excellent. Check out
SPARC Visitation FAQ

Try posting your question at DadsDivorce

also join us at the yahoo group – "OhioClassAction"

and PACE OHIO - http://www.pacegroup.org/
and PACE message board at Yahoo group – "pace-forum"


Some more places you can ask your questions:

Link to Custody Reform – Dedicated to all NCP striving to remain as parents to their children!!!

scroll down and on the left hand side is a list of Message Centers.  Most posts occurs on the "Support" Message Center (board), but you can post your question on a number of boards.

You can get info at:
Link to Divorce Institute   by Lawmoe