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CSRU Keeps Taking

Started by GoodDad2, Dec 12, 2005, 11:57:11 AM

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I am a good father, Live in Illinois and have 2 girls ages 14 & 17 that live in Iowa. My X recently went to court and adjusted a mutually agreed order that stood for 13 years. This effectly raised my support obligation more than 50% per pay period. I was unhappy that the X raised the support, but whatever. My problem is that since the new order has been in effect I routinely am served with a notice that I am delinquint in my payments and that according to the Federal government that my taxes will be levied to satisfy the delinquincy.

#1. I have complied with all court appointed payment schedules and procedures.

#2. I have discussed the issue with the CSRU supervisors (To the Highest level) and they concur that I am current on all support payments.

The issue is the Iowa CSRU database. My Employer deducts the COURT APPOINTED amount from my pay check "BI-Monthly" thru an agency (ADP) and sends to CSRU. By the time the money is logged into the CSRU database the account is delinquint.

Being told that this is due to the court order being X amount "WEEKLY" and the payment schedule being "BI-Monthly" which was setup with my employer & CSRU.

I am given no restitution other than "Well that's the way the system is....Live with it".

It would mean that more than $600.00 of my return would be ceased by CSRU and applied to the account. Then when "I" realize that it has been taken I must appeal the the action and could be 7-8 weeks before I will see any decision or money.......By the way it will be less the "Database related" shortage for that year (which I never owed). This will continue yearly due to the Weekly vs Bi-monthly situation.

Sorry......But due to the recent increase in support I am currently loosing my battle with income & debt and could be facing bankrupcy. Not to mention I feel as tho I am being penalized for being a responsible father & provider.

Can anyone give me advise on whether I should seek counsel on this matter against CSRU?

Or do they sit at the right hand of god and should consider myself fortunate that I don't already live in cardboard box, cause that's where I'm headed. (sorry for the last comment.....fustrated)

Pls Help


I think you are saying that your payment is due on Friday but it takes until the following Tuesday to get into the system so it is showing you are deliquent for a couple of days/week??? You could go back to CSE and ask that the order be written so it is bi-weekly that way you will not be getting notices. You stated about a "return", if you are referring to your tax return then you have some work to do. Change your deductions so that you will have to PAY each year. You will get extra in your paycheck but save it to pay the return. Then the ex will never get a return. Good luck!


to pay the maximum they think you will be overdue during the year (a one time payment on a credit card say) for the 37% of a payment that "appears" to be overdue?

 IT will save you the headache of dealing with this monthly and will keep them from seizing a full month's worth of your tax return.

Dh's CS order is for MONTHLY. He gets paid BI-WEEKLY. That makes for several months when it appears he is behind. We always send $50 in April and he "appears" to be on target all year with that. Then on January 3rd or so of hte next year the CS office send back the overpayment for the previous year. The lack of the $50 for those 8 months is worth the lack of headache for the year.
A true soldier fights, not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves whats behind him...dear parents, please remember not to continue to fight because you hate your ex, but because you love your children.


have an order to lien against taking your tax refunds. AND..you have to be over 30 days delinquent, AND over 5K in arrears for a tax lien to be filed.
the csru and your employer are ONLY required to deduct the monies according to YOUR pay periods.

I would just say screw it and move on. they just love busting the balls of people that try hard~