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Can CS be paid in lump sum?

Started by Hardware Queen, Jan 29, 2008, 09:28:30 PM

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Why do you need a statute to quote?  Just call up the state CS office in your area and ask!

How can the ex predict what the co-pays will be?  Does she know how often they will need medical care in the future?

This whole idea is crazy and will come back around to bite him in the you know what.


CHild support is not due in the future. It is only due in the present. If the child dies tomorrow (heaven forbid) then there is no more support due. Many things can make support no longer due.

Tell him the deal is illegal, because he cannot contract away any portion of the court ordered amount. If the amount is court ordered, or filed and signed off by the court, she cannot change his obligation.

Further, since it is not due until the due date, he will get NOTHING for the money paid and  you cannot contract a something for nothing proposal that is legally binding.
A true soldier fights, not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves whats behind him...dear parents, please remember not to continue to fight because you hate your ex, but because you love your children.


that even though CS is projected owed, it's already assumed that the payor will be late?

(I am talking in general).

These deals actually are legal.  If two parents want to work out something like this, it can be done.  I wouldn't recommend it but it can be done.