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Disappointment- PAS?

Started by dipper, Jan 21, 2005, 07:58:04 PM

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Well, this might not be the way to go, but just an idea. If you can't get there to take pictures, what about a welfare check? She is basically leaving SS in the hands of someone she does not know very well. Bad judgement on her part. If this guy has a record, it might work in your favor.

I am grasping here, but this just does not set well...

"Children learn what they live"


I appreciate your input.  

In fact, she told the judge last June that her mother would be taking care of ss.  Her mother lives 12 miles away and has kept him twice.  SS was 12 when they moved and she left him alone for up to 9 hours at a time in an apt. in a big new town while she worked.  If something had happened, she would have had to leave her job, get out of the mall, get to her car, exit parking lot, drive the 2 miles home in heavy traffic and multiple lights.....

Sometimes she took him to work, others just left him in the apt.  This went on until October 1 - which is when dh had arranged counseling to start....


I'm in Kansas, and I know that each state has different rules concerning age a child can stay home by themselves.

I asked my attorney ( an officer of the courts) what age can a child stay home and take care of another child.  The age here is 12 yrs old., to watch for an 8 hour day.I asked that question because I will have our girls most of the summer. I am planning on going back to work as soon as I find a job and the Dr O.k.s it for me to.

I remember babysitting at the age of 12.   Granted most of the time it was only a block away from my house.  I was also staying home by myself at that age also.

Even at age 12, your SS was old enough to stay home by himself for a few hours while Mom worked.  He's old enough now, to stay home by himself for the whole day.

Check with your state to make sure.  

Do you have first right of refusal in your order?  If not, get it.  The judge ruled that I get FROR if my X isn't going to be around for at least 8 hrs. ( Even though SM will be there, X has to be there, or I get FROR)

It doesn't matter if its her weekend and she has to work, if you have FROR, she should ask your DH if he can take care of him while she is at work.


I understand exactly what you are saying.  That is one reason we didnt complain to CPS.

But, this child has ADHD, learning disabilities, and gets into trouble.

Last year, he was 12 when dh and I were still dating - and left him at home by himself, beside his grandmother for ONE hour.  He got into diet pills and other pills.  He is old enough to know better, but that did not stop him.  Only four people knew - dh, myself, oss, and bm.  CPS was called and investigated dh - going to the schools and pulling the kids out of class.  Now, they of course found no fault with dh.

But, bm brought dh leaving ss alone for one hour as a huge deal in court.  She cited this as being irresponsible.  She said her mother would be keeping ss - and the judge asked how she could be sure - she said her mother lived close by and was willing to do it.

Also, had ss had support living nearby it may not seem bad.  But, he didnt - this town was totally new and heavily populated.  There was no grandmother next door or best friends mom - no one like that for him.

there are always two standards for her......dh has to be held to a higher marker while she can just do as she pleases...
