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Started by c_alexander, Feb 19, 2005, 08:47:43 AM

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I have joined a bunch of yahoo groups in the hopes of getting the word out about my ribbons and what I am doing. I joined this one group "SINGLES PARENTS TRYING THEIR BEST" at
Man you want to talk about narrow minded people. These are the people that we are fighting to get our equal rights. I could never believe that custodial parents could be so hateful. If you get a chance please go take a look.


>I have joined a bunch of yahoo groups in the hopes of getting
>the word out about my ribbons and what I am doing. I joined
>Man you want to talk about narrow minded people. These are the
>people that we are fighting to get our equal rights. I could
>never believe that custodial parents could be so hateful. If
>you get a chance please go take a look.

hahaha... you've yet to meet my ex!!! LOL I'll have to take a look, she probably founded the group ;^)

Granted, there ARE very dedicated, loving, single parents who share their kids, don't interfere with visitation, lie, manipulate and hurt children.

I know of one near me, trying to get her son back from the father in California, months after their previously stipulated exchange time period. Apparently, California has some new law requiring an "investigation" when dealing with interstate custody. Who cares what the parents want, we're "the State" and we own your child. Damn UCC. Probably just another way for the system to extract more $$$ from all of us.


If you goto that website and read some of the threads it will amaze you thoguh. Thyese people who claimed to be an educated lot thought that because I was fighting for parents rights that I was Satan or something. One lady thought that I wanted kids to be placed with parents that abused their kids. Another said that if the laws changed then she would move to another country.  I was jsut shocked that these people seemsed to have ANYTHING but the best interests of their kids at heart. They seemed more concerned with keeping their kids from the other parents.


If you want hateful, I can send my ex's e-mail. She would take the prize!