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father's rights

Started by sherrie ohio, Jun 29, 2005, 12:27:20 PM

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sherrie ohio

:-) Can anybody out there give me legal info for a  father in ohio that is seeking to expand his rights and visitations.A bit of history.Father and mother were never married or even lived together.Neither knew if the child belong to him or someone else untill she was a year old.We married when she was around two,and moved out of state.She got legal and pyhsical custody my husband got one weekend a month and limeted holiday viset's,along with one week in the summer wich we returned to their state for.She also let her come to our home for a four week period,two summer's.We have sense moved back to the state they live in.We started getting their daughter every weekend then last school year she sent her to stay with us during the week and her during weekends.Now its summer and it's back to weekends.My questions are can my husband go back to court and get his weekends set in a order and even expand the viset's.Also he was hoping to some how get it in an order that she gives him more info of whats going on with their daughter in school etc.My husband pays support even when she was staying with us.Any info you can pass on we would be gratefull. Thanks...


Welcome Ohio'in

Yes you can modify your visitation.

First I would check what the standard visitation.... Woops.... I mean standard companionship is given to the Non-Custodial parent in your county.

I am not sure what county you are in, but most counties in Ohio have a web page where you can print off the necessary form(s)

An OHIO web site that has a number of us scattered all over the state is:

The site started out as the home base for the Ohio's participation in a Class Action Law Suit.  The suit has fizzled out but a number of us stick around and post the "on goings" in OHIO.



He can file a parenting plan modification, ask for the 1,3,5th weekends of the month, alternating spring break, alternating holidays (4th of july, easter and so on)

It is always best to go online and pull up the childs school calender so you don't miss anything.

Also request for 1/2 the summer, example: even years dad gets 1/2 half, then odd years he gets 2nd etc.

Not sure how Ohio works but in my prior state, I downloaded forms from the court website, completed them, filed them with the court, had a friend serve ex and showed to court on the date they gave me.

Hope this helps.

**These are my opinions, they are not legal advice**

sherrie ohio

:-) Thanks for the info you all.The weekends we have his daughter are centered around her(b-mother)schedule,if she has plans or not.And if those plans include the daughter or not.If they dont included her she ready to hand her over,if they do she informs my husband to have her back at her wim.They live close thats not the prolblem,its we make plans for us to do things with her and she(b-mother) calls and tells him i need her back at so and so time.No if's ands or but's.And getting info from her about their daughter school grades etc. can be very trying.My husband isnt trying to take their daughter away,he just wants a set schedule for visitations that cant be broke at a wim and the chance to know whats going on with their daughter in school etc.What realy hurt my husband we went to his daughter school and they didnt know who he was.She had been telling people her now husband was their daughters Dad and had the daughter calling him dad in front of teachers.Please send info you all have legal or opinion.We are gratefull for it all. Thanks...


looks like this link has Ohio court forms. I will look more later.


**These are my opinions, they are not legal advice**

sherrie ohio

Bolivar,thanks for info.I tryed the web site to and it came back several times there was no such page.Looking into your other idea's thanks...