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Doctor Visits and Question

Started by TPK, Jul 13, 2005, 06:25:38 PM

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For those who don't know my situation, here's a quick overview.

Going thru a divorce right now, have a daughter who is 15 months old. Mom has custody right now. I'm in NJ, she's in NY, NY has jurisdiction over the divorce, CS etc.

I always travel up to NY when it's time for a Dr. visit for our daughter. I want to make sure she is progressing as she should be.

Wife still won't vaccinate daughter, this has caused quite a disagreement between wife & I. I want the vaccinations, she doesn't, her reasons are very weak. This has nothing to do with religious beliefs.

I went to NY today for a Dr visit. My wife answers most of the questions the doctor asks as she has daughter much more than I do. I do ask my own questions as well when needed.

Dr asked wife if she was giving daugter vitamins with flouride (not sure if I spelled that right). Anyway, after some hesitation wife said yes (I suspect she isn't). Tonite after speaking to someone else about this they informed me they thought that vitamins w/flouride was something that had to be prescribed.

I know wife doesn't have health insurance on herself,  I dropped wife awhile back as my coverage is only in NJ. Daughter is covered in NY under some state run health care program. Daughter only sees this one pediatrician and I know she hasn't gotten any prescriptions from him.

1. Are vitamins w/flouride something that has to be prescribed or can this be bought without a prescription?

Excuse my ignorance on this, but I'd like to educate myself so I can get them for daughter if wife isn't giving them to her.

Thanks in advance.




I tend to remember that when my kids were small this was a prescription from the doctor, however I do not know if these days it is considered an OTC medication, but I do know that any flouride treatment whould be discussed with a Dr or pharmicist as to dosage since flouride levels in different areas tend to be different.

What does also concern me is that the child is not vaccinated.  In order for your daughter to be enrolled in schools or in day cares she will HAVE to have her shots.  I work for the schooldistrict and on thefirst day of school the school nurse calls every child down to the office that is not current on their shots and they have to call their parents to get an appointment that day or be dismissed until they get their proper vaccinations in order to be in school.  Just something to think about.


>What does also concern me is that the child is not vaccinated.
> In order for your daughter to be enrolled in schools or in
>day cares she will HAVE to have her shots.  I work for the
>schooldistrict and on thefirst day of school the school nurse
>calls every child down to the office that is not current on
>their shots and they have to call their parents to get an
>appointment that day or be dismissed until they get their
>proper vaccinations in order to be in school.  Just something
>to think about.

This concerns me too. In NY, you can't even attend daycare as NY state health guidelines require a child to be up to date on the vaccinations. This is a battle that will most likely be decided by the court.

Interestingly, the Dr told me in private that NY doesn't require consent from BOTH parents to vaccinate a child. I hate to do anything behind her back, but this is something I have to think about.



They make kids get vaccaniated for a very good reason, think about your poor child if she catches one of those diseases!  Also, I know that here in WA flouride IS a perscription that we can get from the doctors or dentists...I hope this helps you make your decision...I presume that the Dr. told you that for a reason...good luck!


I know that vaccinations are required for school, daycare, and preschool.  Unless there is a medical reason the child cannot get them.  Like and allergy or so on.  My 11yo SD & 7yo Son just got the menigitis vaccine to attend summer camp.  

As for the vitamins, I think they are now sold over the counter at most phramcies.  I know you can buy pre-natel ones that way.  Ask the phramcist about it at any local phramcy.  Hope this helps.
I've lost my mind.  I think my kids have it.


You must be careful with flouride since it is dangerous in too high doses.  That is why tubes of toothpaste have warning labels saying if more than the amount used for brushing is swallowed contact poison control center immediately.  

If your daughter is receiving flouride from other sources, like city water, then additional flouride is not necessary and could be harmful.

As far as vaccinations, I still believe in them, but there has been a lot of talk lately of a link between vaccines and autism.  Maybe your ex has heard some of this?  I don't know, I still think they are necessary for safety's sake, but this new info is scary as well.