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now what.

Started by 4honor, Jun 26, 2006, 11:21:36 AM

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I went to see my baby mom said she was home .I knock on the door .the screen was open .mom was in the back bedroom with my daughter I walked in visited her for 1 hour . and yesterday I got a warrent for my arrest for braking and entering.
I have court order to see my baby but have only seen her 2 hours in the last tirty days . Do I need a lawyer?


The warrant makes this a criminal matter. That you will need a criminal defense lawyer for, and that will have noting to do with your visitation time with your child. You will need tohire an attorney for the family court matters.

She set you up. You need to take proof  (got BM's cell phone number on your cell phone calling you to come visit?) to your criminal attorney -- ask for an attorney if you cannot afford one. You have to fight the criminal allegations/charges before you can have any hope of a decent visitation schedule with your child.

She is setting you up to be nothing but a pay check.

I suggest you DEMAND paternity. Some women think it is OK to "shop" for a father and will choose either the one that is the richest, or the one that is least likely to want to have a relationship with the child.

A rule of thumb: NEVER NEVER NEVER go inside BM's house and do not let her inside yours. You want every exchange to be on the front porch where the neighbors can witness it if need be.... or at a neutral third party's place (like the police station).

Repeat after me:
   " BM is a terrorist. She is holding my child hostage for her own ends. She will deploy whatever means she finds opportunity for to terrorize me and my child. I am no longer stuck on stupid. I will watch my back. Paranoia is my friend. I will not put underhanded tricks past BM. If it is too good to be true, it probably is where BM is concerned.  BM's goal is to separate me and my child at all costs and in the process to separate me from as much money as she can. I will educate myself in the way the courts work so that I can be the most effective litigant I can be. I will not utilize the courts to vent, they don't care how I or my child feels. I will document with objective evidence whenever possible, the occurrences surrounding my relationship with my child, my child's life and BM as she effects my child. I will remember at all times that it is not what I know, but what I can prove. I will  behave at all times as if I am standing in front of a judge. I will never raise my voice to BM. I will never stoop to BM's level of tricks, but I will defend myself and my child at all costs."
A true soldier fights, not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves whats behind him...dear parents, please remember not to continue to fight because you hate your ex, but because you love your children.


And let this be a lesson: You DO NOT visit in mom's home, nor will you allow mom in your home.
If visits are supervised, then you visit in a public location where there are camera's and lots of witnesses. If necessary, have a friend or relative be closeby and record the entire visit on camcorder. Or, you can wear a hidden microphone and record the entire visit on audiotape.

Also: Make sure you are NEVER alone with your daughter. If mom is vicious enough to file tresspassing charges, she will also be vicious enough to file sexual abuse charges against you. Make sure there is ALWAYS someone with you and your daughter. With overnight visits, have a relative sleep in the house with you.

If mom is violating your court ordered parenting time, then you need to document, document, document. Download the Time Tracker, it's free.

Make sure you have reliable witnesses of the refusal; more than 1 relative, but better: video tape, or audio tape.
Find a specialized family law attorney, and have him file contempt charges.

Good luck!



I don't beleave it .the BM huffs  paint and does drugs but I go to jail. she is on probation for meth lab and gun charges but I go to jail. what a sick tristed court we have in michigan she has other probation friends baby sit my baby and a old boyfriend who just got out of jail on huffing paint and iIgo to jail. this is sick and trwisted .I paid a lawyer today and he says he will look into that ,the fiend of the court has a stack of visation vilolations and all the 25.00 filling fees sitting on her desk .what is up with that .can a person file a complaint against her probation office fore not following through with charges or do they just a take your money and have lunch on me .


Welcome to the US Family Court System, where men are guilty until proven innocent, and women are innocent until proven guilty more than 5 times.

Start reading on this website. Educate yourself. You're in for the fight of your life.



But here you go:

Link to MI FOC:


MI FOC Child support manual


MI CS formula


MI Law – Chapter 722 Children


MI Legislature
