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Did anyone see the New Ford SUV Commerical???

Started by ER, Sep 23, 2006, 07:19:35 AM

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Just out of curiosity there is a new commerical circulating on TV in the early evenings on some major newtworks that Ford Motor Compnay put out.

It invovles a scene of a family at a beach or what appears to be on a weekend vacation with two children. The scene is happy and everyone looks perfect. For the beginning you have no clue as to how the commerical is going. Ford pumps up the image of family while promoting their SUV.. I think it is a "Freestyle", looks like a small Explorer to me. Anyway, the "family gets back to the home that you see in commerical and Dad is unloading some gear in back while the kids are by him and then all of a sudden he hugs the kids and says "See you next weekend" The kids say "Goodbye Dad!".

The next scene is a face shot of the Dad looking at the SUV and the driver "mom" and he says "Thanks for inviting me this weekend" Mom replays back "Your Welcome" But the expression onher face was not a true smile but more of a look that Ford paid me a lot of money just to act like I am happy your the kids fahter. And lastly the commerical cuts out with the vehicle name and its mission statement.

Now, many wasy to take this commerical but what I got out of it was pure bias against Fathers. I didn't care about the SUV but the message was that ALL WOMEN GET THEIR CHILDREN. As if this slow trend of Fathers getting custody is too much for todays world so someone bright at Ford gets a commericial with split parents giving us all a "pipe dream" of joint custody. I mean come-on!! I could not beleive this commerical.

I do not know, I was pissed off by it regardless if it had good intentions. It just put a bad taste in my mouth in regards to custody and the lwas...

Anyone else see this commerical?


I too have seen this commercial. I live in the So Ca market. My first gut feeling when I saw this was, oh how great, they put the kids first!  Then but every time I see it now, it kind of pushes another button.  If the dad is the NCP, why is he thanking the mom for including him in on a weekend activity.  Shouldn't he have the kids on the weekend?


I first thought it was sweet in that it showed parents putting their children's happiness first.  

But, at the same time I thought - yeah, she has a nice ride and I bet he has a clunker!    

It could have a good message of not putting our children in a war zone...however, would be nice if we see a commercial following showing a dad with custody...and him 'inviting' mom to see her kids.  

Overall, I still think it had a good message of you are split, the war is over......now, focus on kids.  


I have watched it 3 times tonight...and he says "see you next week" not next weekend...
my impression..they have shared custody...and they put the kids first by still doing things as a family...


I was disgusted and am going to write a letter to Ford.  Apparently their target customer is a divorced woman that gets the kids, a nice car, while Dad has to live in a townhouse.  


Apparently, I an sensing split opinions on this commerical.

I guess the "norm" in society today is split parents in which of course the mother gets the kids while dad has them EOW or in this commericals case every weekend.

All I want to see is Ford doing the reverse situation in which Dad invites mom out with the the kids. Granted it may show two parents putting the kids first and that is wonderful...the way it should be..but peopel lets get in the real world here...How many actually would have this? I know my ex wouldn't give me 10 seconds as well she refuses to even talk.. And the sad part.. I am the CP and I have invited her to come with me and our child!!!

I do not know....I just get a different message by it and the idea of a vehicle is lost becasue of what I see invovling custody good or bad...Anything that triggers the emotion of all fathers regardless of the situation of being a CP or NCP upsets me when it is displayed in a manner to captialize upon. What does Ford think?


My ex and I have a did a few outings with the kids over the past 10 years.  Not many- and never in a car together.  But, I have driven 1 1/2 hours to meet him (with our children) for dinner and a movie.  I have also invited him to events in which he spent time at my home beforehand or afterwards visiting the children.

Now, it has been awhile granted.  But, he has invited all of us - my husband, his children included - to a fall festival his workplace is having.  I havent decided about that one....but we might.  The drive is the main issue....


That is good! It is just rare to hear this. I wish my ex would lighten up and at least make an effort to talk. I have neer been loud or angry with her...never cursed...never did anything to provoke...she just does not like me being the CP and that is it!

Maybe there are more parents out there doing the share the day with the kids thing...I do not know but at least it is nice to hear there are some...