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Father begging for HELP

Started by jayson, Dec 14, 2006, 07:25:07 PM

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My son was snatched almost 3 years ago by his mother (we are still married). She took him to Florida and signed over temporary custody of him to her mother. They told the court they did not know how to reach me to get my permission for this. It took me 6 months to find my son and find out what they had done. My wife is now in prison for 7 years on drug charges so I am now just battling her mother for custody of my son. I have spent close to $10,000 so far and have cleaned out my svaings. Last May I was able to find an attorney to take my case. As I live in Phoenix and my son is in Florida we are doing all of this long distance. My sttorney is has made huge progress and is getting a trial date set for February. My attorney agreed to a flat rate for my case unless it went to trial then it would be $2,000 a day for the trial. I paid his fee but am having the trouble coming up with the $2,000.  If there is anyone out there that would be willing to help me and my son I would be forever in your debt. I have sold everything of value I own, I am working 2 jobs but just can not come up with the balance. I can provide you with any documentation you would need to show I am telling the truth. My son is only 5 and doesn't understand why he can't be with daddy. We are so close and don't want to have to cancel the trial date.

Thank you,

Jayson and son


I wouldn't let the 2k get in your way.  I would be looking into other options as well.  

Option 1.  hit the jackpot.

Option 2.  Gather all information from your attorney and try and proceed either pro bono or representing yourself.  You can get a whole bunch of good information from this site.  From what I read in your post, it shouldn't be that difficult for you to gain custody.  You need to prove wrongful determination of custody and child abduction.  See UCCJA.  Where is Child support?

Option 3.   Payment plan with attorney.

Don't put all of your eggs in one basket.  It could be hard on you if you were unable to get your son because of the money.  I believe, you can get past your apparent road block if you persist.  

Many of us are in the same boat.  


wait.. a second,, this is what I learned living in CA and dealing with the FL courts for my sd, they will drag you along forever.. we tried to come to a conclusion on our case for 2 years finally.. our atty there said you know this case should have been a CA case in the first place as the child is from CA and the father still resides there..we filed here in CA and our case was heard and finished in 2 months
 You should contact an atty in your area, you should file for a divorce from ex and seek custody of child, I dont know how mom can sign away custody that she doesnt have, I would bet she gave grandma temp guardianship..while she is in prison, You may be able to go to the local court and file for emergency custody.. I would be calling an atty in your area today if it were me.. now I know some may not agree to what I am saying, but if you are still legally married, mother can not just sign away your custody.. and dont let the FL courts ruin you.. cause they will....
 Have you asked Soc about all this??


If you are in the Pensacola area, I know a great attorney. he may be $ per hour, but professional efficient and good.

PM me if you would like it



Of note is that nobody can file a custody case unless one of the two parents has been a resident of Florida for 6 months.
If it actually took you 6 months to find them Florida may (and apprently have) decided that they are "residents" of Florida.

If your wife/ex is in Jail for drugs than they fall under chapter 39 of the FL statutes (dependency).  The State, specifically, the DCF should have tried to conatct/find you before placing your son with grandparents.

I've learned this by getting that "phone call" from a DCF investigator while I was deployed to Arkansas for military training. The school principal told them to call me when the ex left her crack pipe and drugs in the school bathroom.

DOCUMENT EVERYTHING! Chapter 39 proceedings are shielded from the public to "protect" the child. You have a huge fight on your hands with the Florida courts (my ex was given a public defender, I have to pay $$ for mine, and the judge tells me I need to be more "sympathetic" to the problems my ex is facing).

I stand to loose my second job because of my ex (cant get my school done, she keeps messing up), this job ammounts to 3k+ a month in retirement benefits plus whatever else I scrounge up. No sympathy from the judge in that respect.

I'm praying for you bro, keep the faith, keep your notes in detail, and keep trying. Your greatest asset is at risk here.

Best of luck, God's speed.


I read this the same way. If this BM falsified documents or lied to a judge, she may be in some deep dodo.

"Children learn what they live"


[em]If this BM falsified documents or lied to a judge, she may be in some deep dodo.[/em]

Very funny.  Slap on the wrist or pat on the back.