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A father gone....

Started by MixedBag, Apr 29, 2007, 08:24:57 PM

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and though he's not mine as in father, or mine as in son, he was still a father and a son....and now he's gone.

Friday was not a good day, but then again, maybe it was.

My girls have a step-brother.....and he's the one I'm talking about.

Years ago, this 17 year old collapsed out of the blue shortly after their dad was stationed in Germany.  The son was flown back to DC, where he almost died but the girls weren't told what was really going on.

Over the years since then, he's had relapses, remissions, and I finally put together that he has a rare form of leukemia...well had.

He fought that battle for 8 years -- and made it past the age of 21 which the doctor's gave him.  He married two summers ago, and they had a beautiful baby boy who turned one last month.  Their son shows no signs so far of having health problems (thank goodness!)

Last fall, after years of remission, he relapsed....but this time they finally found a bone marrow match.  He received his transplant on January 9, 2007 and things were looking wonderful for him.  Until.... the seizures.  They were so bad, that he broke two of the bones in his spinal cord.  During the last weeks, he didn't recognize his wife, his son, his mom, nor his step-dad.....sad.

The decision was made to take him off life support last friday -- and I helped my girls get out to Colorado on short notice.  This next week is gonna be tough for all of them....but even tougher for his mom and wife.

Step-dad sent out an e-mail requesting that folks think twice and volunteer to donate blood and even more so, to be registered on the bone marrow registry if the opportunity arises.  Heck, make the opportunity arise....

I can't since I lived in England for too long.   But this weekend, even though he's not "mine" at all, I did something I usually never do.  At my show, there was a customer in my store and we were talking.  At the end, she asked me if I would buy one of her pink wristbands or pink pins.  Usually, I say no....but this time I bought one.  Never know if the donations for that type of stuff is really gonna go where the person says it might.  Been wearing it all weekend, and then came home to read the e-mail EX#1 sent.

Maybe the life of another father, mother, or child will be saved...next time.


I'm so sorry for your loss!



I'm so sorry MB. I wish there were any words that would help you get through this, but with all that you've had on your plate recently and now this---words would just be trite.

I'll be thinking about you and your family. If you need an ear PM me.



He was not my son at all.

EX#1 re-married and she had a son before him.

(Maybe this is hitting me hard because his name is the SAME as my son).

I am there to support my girls -- his step-sisters -- and through them, and I guess as a fellow parent, this just all sucks...


MB - this is a sad event.  It is a blessing that he was able to enjoy his life enough to find someone to love and have a child with.....

And you are right, as fellow parents, we can definitely sympathize, though I dont think we could ever imagine how it must feel....