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Started by dunbaros1, Aug 25, 2007, 07:28:38 AM

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This I am afraid is the final installment of the saga nay the soahave learned very important life lessons. I'll save them for the end.

First a bit of background: I once met a girl she was the sweetest, most caring, and without a doubt the nicest person I had ever met.  It was love at first sight.  ten years later out of the blue she told me we were getting a divorce and that was that.  I moved out taking only my clothing.

After almost a year of fighting over debt and who gets it. Without my knowledge, She stopped paying the first and second mortgage. Her family bought  new a home for her to move to and they packed up everything and I mean everything. not only the things on the inside of the home  but the closet shelves, the shower curtain rods, toilet paper holders, all the landscaping and 200 feet of custom built 6 foot tall pine dog-eared fence. The fact that She had abandoned the home came out at the bench trial 3 mos. later June first 2005.

The final orp opera that has become my life. I der written my Dana's attorney was not signed by the judge until 13 july 2005.  A copy did not arrive at my home until 20 July 2005.

The home was given to me and all real property. I was forced to file bankruptcy to save the home.
I had missed the first installment (July First 2005 )of alimony. Dana wasted no time in suing me for it she was in a lawyers office papers filed and a court date set before july was over. I of course did miss it but i did not know on July 1st that I had to pay it.This is The one and only thing I have done that has been against the Courts orders and I have been sued for IT twice.

Besides from the theft of my property both real and personal,

Dana has refused visitation on many many occasions including an entire 4 month period where the children were sent to the home directly adjacent to mine.

She has never paid her share of the health care costs for the kids.

She never paid her share of the second mortgage on time.Now has not paid since Dec. 2005.

 She did not file a quit claim deed until 7 mos after she was ordered to.

 She Has refused to return and replace my personal and real property.

 She has used the child care deduction on taxes when it was given to me to use by the judge.

Had my wages garnished, even though I had only ever missed the one payment (Not child support but alimony). after which a extra payment of alimony was made, she refused to return it and presented it three times for cash causing two overdrafts on my account before finally stealing the money.

 The absolute oddest thing is:  I am able to be home everyday for our children after school is out. They can take the school bus right to my home. She would rather they go to daycare then come to my home where I can feed them a snack and dinner and do their homework with them. This goes against mine and the wishes of our children.

 For three years I have eaten about once a day mostly rice and eggs. scrapped by, saving my home from foreclosure four times during that period.

I have begged, I have pleaded, I've gotten mad, yelled, been nice, been mean,  and been silent. I've written letters, e-mails, sent texts, and made phone calls. All for some sort of resolutions to these issues.

It got me back in Court she claimed I was stalking her.  Never ever did I  just show up somewhere she was and confront her. It was all done from a a far.

 This takes us to now. I have nothing but my home (I am about to lose that) and I mean nothing, no money, no savings, most of my possessions were stolen by Dana, and I don't even own a car. I work 50-60 hours a week. See my kids when Dana decides. My wages are garnished $300.00 each week and I'm a 100% commission salesman.  I can't win so I have decided to give up. The only power That the court has is to put me in jail for failure to abide by its orders so far i have not done that.  When you have nothing  and no future there is nothing to lose but your freedom. If I just quit and go to jail on my own the Court now has no power.  If Dana still refuses to work out the issues as she has done for three years.(She is entitled to do that). Then I will in less then six weeks Just go to Jail and sit it out in there.  Its not that different then living on Ships at sea.

 Lessons Learned:

1) No matter how well you think you know someone You just don't!

2) No matter how right you are, Regardless of the injustices done to you. The Court decides your fate just the way it wants to.

3) I love and adore my kids. They have been and always will be my world. They feel the same about me. If Dana continues to refuse to act like a human being they will end up hating her. I tell the kids every time I am with them that "Once you love someone you always love them divorce or not I will always love your Mother" after all we were baptized together.

4) Dana takes relationship and life advice from someone she has always hated. A person that had an affair and told her husband that she just didn't love him anymoore.(same thing I was told) Yet they stayed together in a loveless marriage. She is the orchestrator of my demise.

Wish I would have seen the signs It is all so clear in hind sight

good-bye all
