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Any advice will help

Started by ohu812, Sep 05, 2007, 08:42:46 PM

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I am the CF of my 7 year old daughter. We live in Texas. The BM has a drug problem and along with it comes abuse/neglect issues. BM has been on supervised visits in the past and I served her in April to modify to get her back on supervised visits. After mediation my attorney advised it would be best to wait on a hearing until she gets back on the drugs. By the time we got to mediation CPS had closed the case,she completed their safety plan, had two clean drug tests, got an apartment, etc. Since this is not the first go around with this and she is like closk work I anticipate she will be back to her old tricks by December. My concern is Texas has a mandatory 45 day wait until a hearing is scheduled and she always manages to get clean during that time but then go right back to it. Does anyone have advice on what I need to get a judge to see this isnt going to stop. What kind of evidence do I need? Since my lawyer is paid for it I am to call him when I am positive she is back on the drugs and living that life. I know I have to report things but I have to be careful because everytime she gets reported she learns a little more about the system and how to beat it. Has anyone else had this type of problem? What advice can you give me to help put an end to this?


Can you file an emergency hearing when she messes up again? You would need good proof. If CPS keeps opening and closing cases on her ...you will have a paper trail that you could show the judge too....


Ask for the drug test to be done via hair sample rather than blood or urine. Drug use will show up in hair samples long after the person stops using drugs.