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What should I do?

Started by ldlesdeg, Jul 21, 2008, 01:54:58 AM

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I've recently separated from my wife after 5 years. We have 2 wonderful little girls who were both born with birth defects. They are 1 &2 years old  I love them & miss them.

My wife has chosen not to work for the last 3 1/2 years & also is mentally ill. She has been on and off her medications and has very bad mood swings. She abuses any drug she can get her hands on & has befriended a crystal meth user & her convicted murderer boyfriend who is on parole for the conviction.

We split up partially because of her new "friends" & because she just couldn't be happy being with me "mostly the illness". I started getting bitter with her because she was telling her "friends" & mom all this stuff which wasn't even true or accurate.

Yesterday while visiting my kids her murderer friend showed up & threatened harm to me. Stated he could & would find me if I so much as made her cry. Well she's MENTAL & will cry over spilled milk.

I've been there with my kids since they were born & now I'm barely being allowed to see them. I get to see them maybe 5 hrs a week if I'm lucky. Now it is going to be even less as I fear for my well being & don't wish my children to see any violence.

I need advise both legal & personal. I'm in a bad mental state now & am torn up inside. I don't know what to do. my instincts tell me to file for custody & divorce ASAP. I've tried being civil & working things out with her & it isn't working. She manipulates anyone who will listen into believing everything is my fault & I'm some kind of demon. Well I'm to the point now that I feel I might as well be the demon she's portraying me out to be.

Distressed Dad