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Started by almostastepmom, Sep 28, 2008, 08:58:10 PM

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Hi there,
   I have some very important information for all the NCP's that live in the Seattle area or for that matter in WA state.  I have posted this in the WA forum as well, but wanted to bring this to everyone's attention so they can help fight this behind great cause.

My husband, who is a NCP, has just joined the fight to help stop a workshop (ran by DSHS) that was established under Christine Gregoires administration.  It was formed to help change the guide lines of child support for non custodial parents.... This is for the worse, not the better.  It will radically change the rediculus guide lines that we have now and make them 100 times worse. Let me give you some examples:

1.Should the support schedule and guidelines consider a parent's children from other relationships? If so, should the Whole Family Formula be the preferred method of dealing with this issue?

2.Whether the noncustodial parent's current child support obligation should be limited to 45% of net income.

3. How a parent's income from overtime or a second job should be considered when calculating the parent's child support obligation.

Please feel free to go to this site and read the rest of their BS that they are working on.

These are just a few of the crazy things that they are looking into changing.  There is a fight going on to stop this from happening.  Please also take a minute to go to this website and help stop this from happening.  As I see it, and have through my husbands side, already get the raw deal and I do not want it to get worse...

Thank you for reading this!


almostamom...thanks for your post and assisting hubby.

Your voice to these causes is powerful and is encouraging to others.

Wishing you well and hoping for the best !!!


Does anyone know how the Saturday meeting went this past weekend?

I have been FRANTICALLY searching for any information on this topic.  I want to have more information for the governor debate coming to my town on wednesday.



I do not know how the meeting went.  My husband and I really wanted to attend, but it happen to fall on a weekend that we actually got to have his children.  But if you go to their website, you can look at the notes that were taken by the secertary and also the video (don't know if they have last Sat's up yet, but you can check).  I have watched the ones from past meetings.  You get some good people and then some not so good people.  But what makes me the maddest, is the panel is just sitting there and you know they could give a damn about any of them or their stories.

Good luck on Wed.  Give her h@%^!