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HELP Please!

Started by maholguin, Jan 24, 2005, 01:27:43 AM

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I'm recently seperated and currently have physical custody.  My wife has moved out and has been having several different affairs.  She claimed she wanted to work things out and when I went over there tonight to her apartment to talk, she had a bunch of guys over.  I do not want them around my daughter when she is visiting her mother.  Do I have a right as a parent to say that I don't want them around her?  My wife is constantly drinking and is an alchoholic, though she won't admit it.  She drinks daily and I am concirned for my daughter's safty with these guys that I do not know.  I am also afraid that if I send my daughter to school her mother will take her back to her apartment and not return her home.  At the moment we have no formal custody agreement since we are only recently seperated.  I would love some advice.  I do not wish to keep her from her mother in the slightest, only to insure the safty and well being of my daughter.


Get thee to an attorney and file an emerency order for custody!

Adam L.

Give up on your wife, save your daughter! So far your doing good.
#1 She moved out
#2 You doing all the school work.
#3 You are doing all the parenting work.
#4 Same home.
Good job!

Stay in the same home, do not move if you can.
Go to the library and get some books.
(Child Custody Made Simple)By- Webster Watnik.
(Represent Yourself in Court) By- Paul Bergman & Sara Berman.

What state do you live in, and how old is you daughter? I'm not a lawer; just been kicked around. Take photo of parrtys and any thing elese that proves your wife is partying, Phone logs, and tell me how you do.

Good luck. Concernd Father.  


Very similar situation here,8 weeks seperated,no orders in place,here in ohio the sheriffs have told me both parents have the right to the child,ive been lucky theyve let my 8 yr old daughter decide who she wants to be with (daddy of course :)),wife tried to remove me from the schools contact and pick up imformation to no avail,our temp. orders hearing is wed,feb 2nd and im scared to death whats gonna happen,read my story one small victory under fathers issues,good luck and always do whats right for the child,theyre the future,hope it all goes well for you


i'm in a similar situation, however my wife has a pretty unstable background.   You may be able to use the alcohol use against the mother if you can prove how it may affect the child's safety and well being so you should be able to get a temporary restraining order just by going to the court and telling them that she is out all night drinking this is sometimes enough to get ex-parte which is temp custody.
   i have temp custody because i called the police on my wife ;yes you can call just as easily as she can the bottom line is if you can prove immenent danger to the safety of child then you can probably get temp custody and TRO which you will need if you want custody at all.
   TROs and ex-parte will go a long way in final custody battles especially if you have enough proof to back it up.
    some states consider habitual drinking as a drug problem and will award custody largely based on that.

    hope this is usefull info for you.