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Son taken 6 years ago found 3 weeks ago

Started by arkydad, Mar 07, 2005, 04:31:57 PM

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6 years ago my estranged Texas spouse took my child and prevented all attempts by me to have any contact with my son. She changed her location, blocked my phone calls, and took up residence with another male.

Soon after I had to come to Arkanas for family medical leave, my father had passed away. While I was here, the company I worked for closed and I was out of a job. After 2 years of partial employment I finally went back to school and got my BS in Computer Information Systems

During the 6 years I made several trips back to Dallas to try and locate my spouse and son to no avail I sent a couple of letters to her father's work and they were returned.

3 weeks ago I made another attempt and went to her fathers job. To my surprise he had passed away that previous Wednesday. I was able to get the location of the funeral home and left word with the management there. A few hours later my spouse called me and asked if I would like to meet my son and her. I agreed.

Her statement was she loved me, and wanted to get back together but she was stuck with some male living with her. (another male) I had no comment at the time.

I went back the following week, we met again, at her job, she is a stripper (and alcoholic) in Fort Worth. I told her that I didnt think getting back together would be a good idea and that I thought we should get divorced now that I had finally found her. Needless to say I was broke as student and couldnt afford the cost of an attorney.

Anyhow, she got pissed, and again she has gone in to hiding. Im at my witts end. Yes, there was some violence. yes she initiated it on each occaision, and yes, I went to jail for domestic violence after several failed attempts prior to the big seperation point trying to gain access to my son, and due to my failure to buy a pair of concert tickets for her and her girlfriend.

I have been beat up by 4 bouncers, hit in the head with a meat cleaver, peper sprayed twice, and run down in the parking lot, along with being able to see my son approximately 3 hours in the last 6 years.

Any advice would help.


I would definately talk to a lawyer. Most states have low income legal assistance you can check into. Since your son is most likely in TX I believe you have to file for the divorce and custody there but a lawyer could better answer that question. I don't think she has to be present to get the divorce, just have to list the petition in the local paper at the last known city of residence or something like that. Ask if you can file for the divorce with full custody of your son since she obvioulsy keeps running. Find out if this can be done and finalized without her being present.

The reason I say that, is because if you can show that you have custody on temporary or final papers, you can probably file kidnapping on her.

Talk to a lawyer... talk to the Attorney general in your state... talk to whom ever you have to, to get the ball rolling ASAP...

good luck and keep us posted..