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Trying to obtain additional visitation

Started by bri.lee514, Jan 21, 2009, 10:43:58 PM

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I'm trying to obtain additional visitation time with my 9 year old daughter.  For the past 4 years her mom has been late picking her up 36 times after school and 60 times late taking her to school and she lives only 3 blocks away. The school principal has sent the cops to her house on this matter a few times. Since our divorce she has been diagnosed with benign brain tumors which may contribute to this inconsistency.  On top of that my daughter is going to bed a 11:00pm  or later which my daughter reported joyously to me. Plus ex has lost her car. I have asked for additional time with my daughter but ex has refused. My daughter has requested additional time with me. Since she has lost her car I drop my daughter off and pick her up after school. What are the chances of me obtaining additional time? Right now I get the standard every other weekend. and every WED and 6 weeks summer. I'm looking to request extra visitation during the school year on my weekends keeping her on Sunday - taking her to school on Monday and seeing her every Mon Eve after her Mom's weekend.   I'm thinking with the extra time with my daughter she will more accountable for her actions since I will be in the picture more often. Any feedback is appreciated.

Kitty C.

If you've got documentation of what's been going on, and how much more you've had her above what's court ordered, it's possible that you can petition the court to maintain 'status quo'.  Meaning you've been getting all this extra time for a long time and you'd like to keep it that way.  But it's a long shot and sometimes p/o's the other parent and they retaliate by going back to the order as it's written, and refusing you all that extra time you had been getting.  It's a crap shoot and something you should certainly discuss with your atty. first.  Whatever you do, do NOT tell your ex what your plans are, for the same reasons previously stated.
Handle every stressful situation like a dog........if you can't play with it or eat it, pee on it and walk away.......


How is this affecting your daughters performance in school?