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Wyoming parent alienated by Colorado parent aided by system

Started by alienated_parent, Jan 12, 2009, 12:27:56 PM

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Hello all.

Our story is that my ex filed for divorce in Colorado after moving there to obtain 90-day residency.  During that 90 days, as a strict matter of divorce court policy, I was not allowed to take my kids to their home state, as they were accustomed, but had to visit them for short periods when I could coordinate the exchange with my ex's haphazard schedule.

The list of my ex's abuses of my children, myself, and the legal system is aggregious and lengthy but I have so far found very little recourse. 

I have been threatened and assaulted by my ex, and my ex's father in front of my children at exchanges though I have remained physically and verbally non-aggressive since we first met as a result of learning to ignore bullies since I was smaller than most growing up. 

I have also been verbally threatened with physical violence by my ex's Colorado attorney who (I have discovered in state newspaper archives online) was arrested about the same time for assaulting his wife with a hammer in their home.  There is a record of him being reprimanded by a judge in another case for overzealousness.  Subsequent to his threat, he came with his teenage daughter to take photos of me, my mother, and our vehicle at a child exchange while feigning interest in the architecture of the building we were standing by at the time.  He is a partner in a law office which has offices in one of the most expensive office complexes in that Colorado city.

My ex's attorney has been allowed to meet with my Colorado attorney behind closed doors without me, despite my expressed verbal refusal to allow it.  My attorney told me that my case is "famous in Colorado".  HMy attorney went on vacation during my appeal period, ignored all my attempts to contact him, but sent me an essentially invisible email (white font letters on white background), which was largely unresponsive the day the appeal was due.  Myattorney continually tried to get me to say I had returned physical abuse by my mate during our marriage but I never did so.   I constructed and filed the appeal myself in time but it was ignored. 

Our court documents have been largely purged (ostensibly due to filing space considerations) and tapes of proceedings have been misplaced by the court.  I went to the court to obtain a copy of the permanent orders tape but I was told it was not in the file and the judge must still have it though it was weeks after the ruling.  I was told that there is only one person who can transcribe the tapes for the entire court system and that she is so busy that she must charge $100 per hour for the service.

An elderly surprise traveling water court judge presided at the permanent orders hearing with only a few days notice.  He was unprepared for the case, admits he didn't follow through on his promise to read the transcripts from the temporary orders hearing which I rushed to obtain at exhorbitant expense, and was demonstrably inept in several crucial functionings including the following; being able to see multiple photos of physical abuse, hearing case testimony, being able to stay awake during testimony, remembering to replace the tapes at the hearing, remembering many events of the proceedings prior to ruling, being able to hear the recordings he did make requiring us all to appear again to remind him of permanent order hearing events,  throwing a tantrum banging fist on table in his review chamber, initially denying me to be present in his chamber with both attorneys and other parent during that review. 

I and my children were the only people to have been physically abused during my entire relationship with my ex spouse.  My ex had 12 credit cards, many which were maxed out which were not divulged to me until after we were married.  My ex had more than one college loan which I helped pay off.  My ex ordered and utilised duplicate checks for our joint checking account on multiple occasions.  With these checks my ex paid his/her parents taxes and bought computer systems for their "business" which it seems never had a customer while I have known my ex. They closed their business within months after we were married.  They went bankrupt a few years earlier in Wyoming then moved to Colorado where they lived in a very unsanitary location until my ex's grandmother bought the house they are currently living in where she lets them all live.

My ex has a degree in radiology but told the judge that he/she is unemployable.  The judge ruled that I must pay $12000.00 to help my ex obtain another medical degree and it has been listed on child support as arrears.  I have appealed to the child support office of this fraud but have been ignored so far.  My ex and my ex's father testified falsely that they owned the home they live in and that they both hold full time jobs etc.  My ex's best friend during the entire course of our 3 year marriage, testified voluntarily against them at the permanent orders hearing.

My ex has purposedly alienated me from my children by denying me the court-mandated parenting time with them.  On one occasion my ex did not let me see or talk on the phone with my young children for 3 months solid.  At the end of the 3 months my ex took my son to a local female child psychologist to discuss my son's resultant behavior.  The psychologist was allowed to call in to testify during my ex's attempt to have the custody agreement modified.  I cross examined her at that time.  The judge at that hearing made the psychologist desist since it became obvious after a time that she had an unobjective motive. She did admit that she knew that her profession has a long-standing problem concerning scientific validity and reliability.

I was forced to allow my ex to sell and keep all profits from the home which we owned outright.  I was directed to sell the house in a short time or give it to my ex.  I was unable to sell the house in the time allowed so had to relent to the court's demands.  My vehicles were taken from me by the court.  I was the only family member working full time. 

I have been required to obtain an attorney to have custody orders enforced on several occasions requiring me to incur unnecessary expenses each time.  I find that I must obtain an attorney each time my ex decides to ignore the court order.  I must go to court each time to obtain a court order which directs the local sheriff to allocate manpower resources to enforce the previous custody court order.  My ex simply refuses to open the door to the house when they drive up and they will not enter the home to get the children or arrest my ex.  One Wyoming judge told my ex to follow the custody order or go to jail and/or pay a fine.  During the time of that custody refusal, my son suffered a deep cut across the bridge of his nose.  On another occasion, my ex got angry and threw a toy at my son hitting him by his eye at close range.  My ex told the court that he/she was coerced by his/her counsel at the time.  The Colorado court ignored all previous custody rulings in Wyoming. My ex has a history of being suicidal and signed a suicide prevention agreement with a therapist.  This is only part of the story.