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Dad With Ruff History

Started by dadw/determination, Feb 12, 2009, 12:55:12 PM

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My name is Raymond and I have been separated since 2002 and divorced finally since 2008 i have a son that was born 1999 in the beginging of our separation I was limited to my visitation since she had successfully been granted a restraining order on account of mix up of court dates on my part, but for any reason i visited with my son regardless of the restraining orders. After about a year of that I decided that it wasn't in my best interest to continue visiting my son in that fashion and I was tired of the treats of her calling the police on me. So I decided to pursue a legal separation with hopes of reconciling the marriage at a later date, but begin to establishing some custodial rights. As a result I had to attend anger management for 1yr and was granted supervised visitation since I was living at my mothers home it was convienient for me and my son. but I don't think that I knew what i was in for!
    since I met my wife I met her 3 months after my release from prison. I am a convicted sex offender and have been honest with my wife of the nature of my crimes since the first date! she knew exactly who I was and what my past was like since day one. she married me having a 6yr old daughter and decided to have a child with me. she told me once when we were recently separated that she would never use that as a means for denying me visitation to my son. And in 2006 her attorney did just that! she is an extremely unorganized, unreliable flake of a person and the courts have allowed her to have custody of my son for the last 6yrs. she has pulled him out of differant schools 3times has moved locations and not notified me of their were abouts twice. has consistantly showed no interest at all in raiseing our son. currently he is living at the grandmothers home, which in some regards i am happy because at least its a stable enviroment. I was informed that he is currently failing the 4th grade yesterday by his teacher. But my pain is that I have always been actively involved in my sons life i eat lunch with him once a week since kindergarden, my son can set his watch to the time of visitation knowing that I will show up and if denied the visitation that I will show up with the Police. I have contacted CPS, I have had attorneys for 2yrs and have not had one judge see what i have known and seen all along. All I ever here is where is my child support!!! I have been in the same line of work for 7yrs, only worked for 2differant companies I own a 3bd 2 bth home and he has a room that little boys dream about. all of his toys worth keeping he keeps at my home, he says that with his mom he wont know where they will be next week. she loses everything. I am determined to obtain custody of my son this year and I believe that God can send the right person in my life to help me structure my case that I will win. btw I recently got married this year in January and my current wife knows exactly who I am. A good father, A loving husband and a man that has truely been FORGIVEN!!! God Bless you!