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Pending Separation and Children

Started by Ouroboros, Apr 10, 2009, 07:46:22 AM

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My wife recently told me she is unhappy in our marriage and wants to separate.  We are maintaining our current family model if you will by cohabitation.  At some point she may or may not ask me to leave.  A year ago we separated for a short period and I agreed to leave.  This time, my wife is the one with the motive and it appears she is looking for no timetable and she hasn't ruled out divorce.  It is of my opinion that she should leave the home as she is experiencing a stronger feeling and I do not want to separate and I believe we can seek counseling and work this with a plan this time.

What should I prepare for if it comes to her request to physically separate and my rights to remain at home with my children.  What are the legal and state laws regarding this. 

Please help!!!  I love my wife and children thus I have made dramatic changes in my life as I hope she will.  I might go as far as stating: I will NOT leave my children.  But I hope and pray that it will never come down to this.


Do not leave the house until a court rules. If you leave it will be considered abandonment. If she tries to leave with the children, seek temporary custody that the children stay in the home.
You can get a legal separation, which outlines custody and visitation, bills, who lives in house....


A court WILL llikely rule that you leave your home and children and you pay for everything.

Do everything you can to keep your children and home away from the black robed thugs commonly referred to as "the courts".


I highly recommend you read these to get started:

Steps To Protect Yourself During Divorce:

Success Factors In Obtaining Custody:

Tips On Keeping Documentation:

OPTIMAL Custody Tracker:

Access To School And Medical Records:

Recording And Transcribing Conversations:

How To Hire An Attorney:

Hiring An Effective Attorney:
The trouble with reality is that there's no background music.


Just so you know, in many cases the wife has planned her action for about a year She has, in all likelyhood, has spoken to an attorney.