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How to find out new address

Started by wallyworld, Aug 20, 2005, 06:04:28 AM

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also posted this on socs page...

facts:  Ex resides in Florida, I reside in IL.  Florida hold jurisdiction for custody/visitation, IL for child support.  Current IL divorce states mom is to keep me informed of residence address at all times. IL court order states parties are to divide all uninsured medical bills by 1/2.

I have reason to suspect my ex has moved from pensacola to another city close by (aprox. 20-30 min away). Although, I have contacted the school where my daughter attended in Pensacola and she is still in attendace there.

My ex called and stated that my daughter was taken to the dr. and they made her pay the entire bill upfront due to insurance problems.  Well because of a 500 deductable anyway I owe her for 1/2 of the 104.00 bill.  

Upon receipt of the bill from my ex, I called her and asked for her address (I told her I "forgot" the address.)

She stated "do NOT send it to MY address as your mail always gets lost." Send the money to my parents house.  

Okay yeah right, I do not believe it for a minute.  Obvisouly she has moved and for some unknown reason, doesn't want me to know.  Probably living with someone she shouldn't be.

I am scared to send the money to her parents house as the IL court paper is pretty vague.  It just states taht the parties are to split all uninsured costs.

I would like to send it certified with her sig. required for delievery.

1.  Can I send it to her parents house and it still count as sending the payment to her.  For instance, what if I send it to her parents house but she has her MOTHER cash it.  Then wouldn't it seem like a gift?

2.  Is there a way I can find out her new address and send it there?

3. If I send it certified to her old address, will they forward it to her new address; thus when I receive the green card back it will have the new address on it.

4.  Any other sugesstions.


send her a certified letter to her job, include the reimbursement, quote the court order stating you want her new address in accordance with the court order, otherwise, she's in contempt.  you must serve her with notice of contempt before you take her to court on it.


Go to the post office.  I know when we send out mailing, we can REQUEST forwarding address, if they have one.  You can send it to state HER signature ONLY!  No one else can sign for it but her.  They will ask for ID before she can pick up the letter.


I wouldn't send it to her parents house sounds like she has something to hide.  

You can look on whitepages.com and search from there.  That is how we found out that my husband's ex wife had a land line and not just a cell phone.

Unless she went to the post office and gave a forwarding address it won't be forwarded to the new address.


a reverse lookup in google.com.  If it it a chell phone number then you can't do it.

Or call the dr and request a copy of the bill.  It should have her address on it.


Try ZabaSearch.com...it's free

Another option is //www.switchboard.com...free reverse phone # searches if known.

If both of those fail, email me and I'll try to help.


PS: The school office, Dr's. office, DMV and the county clerk who handles your child support should have her current addy and phone # on file. I would send any medical reimbursement $ to the same county clerk you currently pay child support and let them forward it to her. This will give another form of proof that you did reimburse her.


From what I understand names, addresses and phone numbers that Child Support Offices have on file are public information and if requested they HAVE to give you the information you request.

I'd check on it for your state though.


Period. Who knows if she has other insurance she isn't sharing with you... or they have written off the amt....

I would request the info regarding the physician...call them, ask they fax a copy of bill with dates, etc. THEN you can pay them directly...and they can reimburse her.

Also, send something insignificant to her addy... and have it so it cannot be forwarded.. that will notify you that she has moved. :)