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How to contact child in another state?

Started by Zuntzu, Aug 21, 2005, 07:00:35 PM

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My former spouse is blocking all calls to my daughter, hanging up on me, family, even my daughters friends.  We live states away from each other, and its going on three weeks with no contact.

My daughter was to be returned from summer visitation on July 31.

What methods of contact can you folks suggest?
Certified letters...can they be sent to children, or can anyone answering the door sign for them?

Ever hear of a priest making a house call in a situation like this?  Maybe my parish priest can call a priest local to my daughters last known location and have him swing by.

I just want to know if she's even in the same state/address as the last I knew she was.

Do cops make "check-up" calls?
Should I call CPS?  Is this grounds for abuse?
The judicial system is dragging on returning my daughter, and this is getting too hard to stand, so please any advice?


CPS won't do anything.

Is she of school age??? School should be starting soon, find out what her teachers name is, contact the teacher and see if he/she would be willing to let you email your daughter at school, have the teacher give it to her during her recess (depending on your childs age).

**These are my opinions, they are not legal advice**


Thats the thing...her teachers are all here in our home state...I have custody and my Ex hasn't returned her from summer visitation.

Kidnapping is the word, no matter what legal shenanigans my ex is pulling.

School started the 10th of August.


you can call the local police for a child welfare check


am I missing something here ??   you have custody and your ex does not....and you are not sure if your own child is still there at that address ? and they are blocking you ??

why are you not jumping in a car or on a plane, with your custody papers and court orders in hand, contacting the local law enforcement and going to get your daughter ????  I am not trying to be a smart ass....there is nothing in the world, not even three states distance that would keep me from knocking on my ex's front door if something like this was going on with me !!!   get a bit more assertive.  you don't want anyone to say that you did not try all available measures !!


Did she tell you she wasn't sending the child back?