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Statistics of denied vistation?

Started by blh1013, Aug 10, 2009, 09:18:55 AM

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Hi everyone- wondering if any has or knows where to find--
statistics of non custodial parents being denied court ordered visitation

my hubby is filing once again contempt against ex-wife (2nd summer no contact with 12 y/o son, although we live only 6 houses away), and I'm looking to get word out- I'm so frustrated and angry at the situation that mom can make up her rules when she wants....writing letters to anyone and everyone I can think of, but would like to put some number in th eback up this one woman's frustrating, non-ending battle.....it's sad when my hubby counts down the remaining number of child support payments until the child turns 18 so he will never have to have contact with th emother again


Why, if the child only lives 6 houses away, did Dad not see the child?

Why did he wait till summer was done to file contempt...why didn't he file for emergency enforcement of his time??


Bio-Mom interprets the decrees (there's three active concerning different matters- visits, child support, etc.)-- the oldest decree is the only one to specifically give details to summer visitation (week to week with each parent); mom is trying (successfully for two summers now) to say the newer decrees (dated 1/07 and 10/08) do not specify any summer visits- they deal speicifcally with school year and holidays, although all say "ALL PREVIOUS ORDERS REMAIN IN EFFECT EXCEPT WHEN CONFLICTS WITH THIS".....mom denied all contact from 06/12/08 to 09/12/08. in july 08 my husband filed contempt charges, hearing was 09/10/08; half way thru contempt hearing, she claimed she wanted it stopped because her atty wasn't presnet- the master said she had no choie but to carry it over as a postponement, which has never been rescheduled, as much as we contact court and asked what happen........starting on 06/20/09 she began denying again- has disconnected her home phone, changed work locations (we know where she is, but the state office she works at refuses to take mesages), and when police are called, she refuses to let police bring child to see dad on lawn. we keep a diary of all dates, names, etc..... and i'm tired of paying support for a child we don't see, adn mom in constant opposite of what decree states...the judge set up escrow accounts for each parent to 'pay fines' each time this happens, but we have to go thru court. i'm trying to wirte to anyone and everyone who might be able to help, knowing we won't get a hearing for a minimum 8 weeks after filing this week.
Last time we tried an ex-parte (in December) the judge said he can't give him to us on "what might happen"; it has to actually happen before courts will help, and now we're waiting again. most men (i'm slowly understanding their POV) give up and I see why- i'm an at home mom, in the decree ordered to be the 'babysitter' for mom at no cost, so have time to sit here and write/keep journal/ file etc...we have 2 3" binders completely full of notes and records, and becuase of this have had to start a third.


blh1013; I'm responding to your post concerning stats for denying visitation.

(( Note : that I'm not responding with 2 irrelevant questions in an attempt to find something wrong with Dad ))

The quick answer is "No".  I will post what I have witnessed over many years with many fathers.

== the courts do not enforce their own orders when mothers are not in compliance while excepting feeble excuses and accustions against fathers
== many or most denials are not reported mostly because it is a waste of time and money
== the general public is not aware of this issue and the impact on children
== sometimes the father is being denied in order to hide serious abuses within the household and sometimes hidden by under reporting by CPS)
== often cause of upheaval in various parts of society; jobs, schools, first and extended family dysfunction

== other aspects I'm sure others could detail

== the Federal Office of Juvenile Justice (google it) may be a source of info.; they are responsible along with the ABA for developing the Criminal Interference (ie visitation denials) statues for all states ... documented in the articles section on this site.  Many juvenile delinquents had been denied a relationship with their fathers over a long period of time and civil court refused to act. 
== At least in the 1980's, fathers in TX would receive increase CS payments just for filing comtempt and  IL fathers would be faced with trumped up criminal accusations just for showing up for court-ordered visitation (I spent a lot of time in the police station).  Some actions/results of court bias can't be posted