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ASAP Response to Notice of Motion ....

Started by Canadianparent, Dec 11, 2005, 06:39:04 PM

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This case is in Canada. I have received a Notice of Motion and Affidavit in regards to custody/guardianship, release of third party reports, restraining to move out of the part of the city and access filed in Supreme Court.
I legally separated in 2001, reconciled short time after and finally separated in 2003 (financed by Legal Aid as I had no income or support at all). I have sole interim custody and sole interim guardianship and receive spousal and child maintenance.  NCP has reasonable and generous access.
I am low income (spousal/child support) but do not qualify for Legal Aid (has been denied on Friday) due to their cut backs in services. I found a self-help kit provided online at //www.familylaw.lss.bc.ca but have a hard time to understand anything. English is my second language and I rather communicate like a tourist (well maybe a little better). Problem: due date is 8 days within receiving the Notice of Motion, that means I have to respond and file by Wednesday this week. Is there a way to extend this time due to hardship (not having an advocate and no interpreter).   How do I write these papers not exactly understanding what they want?  Do I have to write anything to the Defandents lawyer? Do I bring these to the Supreme Court and swear there? I have no idea about the Canadian court proceedings or english law talk.
I feel totally lost. What do I need to do? Can anyone help?  Any ideas welcome.  Thanks!



Call the court you are to appear in and ask how to get an extension due to time from receipt of papers to court date. I am not familiar with canadian law. Explain to the courts that English is not your first language and you need things translated. I am not sure why this would be heard by the supreme court unless there was some kind of dispute. I am assuming by what you posted that there is a motion for change of custody and geographical restrictions but what is the third party reports release? Try looking on line for some advocacy groups to help you.