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What do I do now

Started by jakerr, Nov 08, 2009, 07:42:56 PM

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As I stated before I got them to postpone my court date until after the holidays. I feel that I am losing. I have done everything except murder. Kept records pictures notes and put her in the best preschool daycare that I can find.

I have been told that since she has a brother (by another man) that I may have to give her up. I have done some research and it seems like I run into a brick wall with the proof thing. My daughter is sleeping in the same room as the bf and ex and brother. The house has 3 other children and two other adults. Mother is filling her heard with all kinds of things and it pains me that an adult would stoop that low to do that to a child.

I have never seen the bf nor will she allow me to at least see the outside of the home she is staying in. I can not met the day care person. (at home ) It has been rumored that the bf got fired from his manger job and she almost lost her job for the same reason.

The hardest thing for me is to let go I JUST WANT A FAIR SHOT at being a dad. I realize that life is not fair but come on I have to have some luck somewhere. I am thinking about asking for a home study done on her what do you think? What elese can I do. Or am I just out of luck?



It can sometimes feel that way when you have to wait a long time.  The longer you wait the more your fears and worries take over.  The more you talk to people the more worried you get, because everyone has a horror story or something they have "heard".  Get all that stuff out of your head and just stay focused.  You have a great shot just because you were granted temporary custody.  That is a huge step in your favor!

But try to stay positive and just keep doing what you're doing.  It sounds like you have a great case.  If your ex is living in a room-mate situation with multiple other families and you have a stable environment, I would absolutely ask for a home study. 

As far as her half-brother, I wouldn't worry about that too much.  It can sometimes be tacked on as an "additional positive" when all other things are in favor of that side, but it won't be the sole reason above all other "best interest of the child" considerations.  Just make sure that everyone involved knows that you will be supportive in your daughters relationship with her siblings.

You could also ask for a psych evaluation and drug tests if you think that these might be an issue.  Just be aware that anything you ask for you also have to submit to, and you will probably have to pay for.