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My meeting with Lawyer

Started by jakerr, Nov 13, 2009, 05:25:07 AM

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After the meeting yesterday and me asking all the hopfully right questions , I feel a little better.

One of the things that I found out was that her att did not consult her on getting thisng cont. She was really upset. LOL The things that she said she had for proof of why she move was a joke. LOL The emails from her att to mine were quite confusing. Even for my att.  He said that he had to stop reading the emails due to the fact that her att was jumping around from one subject to another.

Now what I have to do is prove that the reason she moved was not because they did not have a postion here but to be with her BF . We have documentation that she applied everywhere her BF was and not here in our own state. These documents are from her employer. I pointed out that all the places were so connected with BF.

Our next court date is Feb 4th so I have some extra time.  If I can prove that she moved not in good faith I have a better shot of keeping things the way they are. I was told that she will have to pay all my expenses for the att. Can any one tell me how that works?

He gave several different things to think about. If I accept here propsal which would give me more time now until she starts scool in 2011. But then I would have to go back and redo the agreement then.

Go to trial and hope the judge see things in my favor. This jude is a 50-50 man.

Make a propsal myself a fair one he stated. LOL

Or find out the info about about the move.  Then the could talk to the other att and say-----

He made a couple of statements that got me to thinking which was she has not been totally honest with her situtation with her att. Maybe her att thinks she dosenot have a leg to stand on. This att dose not like to work hard and wants easy wins.  He is (her att) as a laughing stock in the comm. He was asked to leave the bench when he was a judge.

Thank you for all the good advise I was given in early post.



With the money, your attorney can ask for costs when you're involved in a case.  If you win the majority of the case the judge can decide to award you costs and your ex would have to pay them.

Personally, I would both find out the info on the move and work out a fair offer.  The more bases you have covered the easier it is for you to respond to anything that happens.

With the 'fair offer', you can be fair without bending over backwards.  These judges see so much unfair stuff that if you're reasonable you'll be seen in a very good light.

Check and see what is the standard for long distance visitations for that area and then build off of that.

Let us know how things go.  Good luck!


Have your lawyer offer BM an out of state visitation plan with you keep custody. You can offer a half way point, every other weekend (if she doesnt work than maybe a 3 day weekends) but that child should return and remain in same pre-school so she is not disrupted again.

If this goes to trial is in on BM why she can move (yes have your stuff ready to counter anything she may come up with) but the child was already removed from her care. Just show she is doing well and adjusted. Ask that any future courts dates, your family court will have jurisdiction in this case.

What is the schedule now? How much visitation is she getting now?

I would not sign anything that says you will re-visit at age 5. You are paying now and in the system. Get is all covered now....detailed parenting plan with times, dates, vacations, summers.