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texas evaluators?

Started by Bradley, Jan 03, 2006, 02:48:20 PM

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Has anyone used an evaluator to prove they deserve a custodial parent change? The BM cusses at my daughter and walks a fine line of neglect and just is a crappy parent. Either my current wife or I stay home with her (my daughter when she is sick and her mother just drops her off at the babysitter. With my child support, she bought herself a new explorer. On her Christmas break , she drops her off at the babysitters house. The one activity, cheerleading that her mother did pay for, she had us kicked out of the game because i wanted to walk my daugher out on the field for homecoming. I take her to the dentist every visit, except 2 in 4 years, I get her hair cut, enroll her in most of her extra curricular activities, read to her every night she is here, my wife registers her for school, volunteers in her class and we take her to church and don't cuss at her, take her to counseling and more. WE are obviously the better choice to be custodial parent.  I was reading on the site about custody evaluations and wondered if anyone had luck using one and is it better to do it sooner or after a year of family counseling for more proof?
ps daughter is 7 and wants to live with us.

cowboy crazy

We have just finished up our evaluations with the psychologist in Texas.  We should be getting the results of the evaluations this week.  Our experience was that the evaluator was very thorough, asked a lot of questions and seemed to really listen.  We did the parent child play sessions and that seemed to go pretty well.  He gave each side the opportunity to talk about their concerns of the other parent and listened to what we had to say.  He wanted all the documentation we could give.  All in all we think it was very helpful and hopefully open some eyes to the situation that is at hand.  I think if you decide to do this then the key is to be very honest, tell him your concerns and have the proof to back it up.  Do not slam your ex spouse but let your concerns be known.  The child play session will show a lot too.

This is probably not much help but with the age of your child I think this would be the best way to for you since she is not old enough to express her feelings to the courts yet.


Thanks that helps a lot. Let me know the results. Where do you live? My x-wife is the custodial parent of my 7 year old expressive daughter and we really would be happy with week on week off visitation with the same holiday schedule. It is hardley never given in Dallas County. Do you have any websites where I can get a list of evaluators in my area? Thanks


Try contacting Dr. Richard Warshak at //www.divorcepoison.com

He's an author on custody issues, and he's based in Dallas.

He's sure to have some suggestions for custody evaluators.